Real Estate Mentoring VS Real Estate Courses
Thursday, May 02
So, if you’re even remotely interested in Real Estate today, undoubtedly you have probably looked online for education and seen a myriad of courses. Whether you are seeking to be an agent, a better marketer, a better investor or just get mentoring, the number of options available to you today is...
Impressions From The Lending Industry Today In Progress
Monday, April 29
It’s a good day to buy a house! With the housing market picking up steam, this is good for loan officers. I chatted with one recently and would like to share some optimistic signs he is seeing today in the lending industry.Today's mortgage industry is busy with home buyers taking advantage of h...
Not Enough Time To Work On All Your Leads
Friday, April 26
Not enough time to work on all your leads? This is nearly every Real Estate professionals dream come true… have more leads and you know what to do with. This is a great problem to have and arguably it’s really not a problem. It’s a challenge that’s exciting because there’s so much opportu...
How To Grow With Your Real Estate Competition
Wednesday, April 24
We can all have the ambition to be the best Real Estate Investor in our state or at least to be a better one but how many of us actually do something to realize our aspirations? It’s a bit like making New Year’s resolutions, we start out with the very best of intentions and then laziness or apa...
Bidding Games In Real Estate
Tuesday, April 23
Bidding is second nature to property investors in real estate. And there is a process well established for bidding for HUD foreclosures. How about bidding for a house listed with the main street real estate company?Bidding is usually the term used when something goes under the hammer at an au...
Virtual Assistants Use Them Wisely In Your Business
Friday, April 19
Many of us have heard of the concept of hiring virtual assistants. In this fast paced business we call real estate, to be effective you’ve can easily have many things going on and many times they are on multiple fronts. Whether it’s marketing, research, putting contracts together, talking to ...