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Boost Your Real Estate Sales

Tuesday, August 16

Today’s home buyers are buying a home just as much as they’re buying into a neighborhood.  So it’s not enough to just sell people on the features and benefits of your listings.  You need to sell them on the features and benefits of each listing’s neighborhood as well.  You do that by becoming a n...

Work On Your Real Estate Website Not In It

Monday, August 15

Typically, this rep only spends time and money on advertising their business when they’ve got a new listing.  “After all,” they reason, “why should I advertise if I don’t have any inventory?”.  This rep figures once their business from referrals starts picking up, they may be able to afford hirin...

Differentiating Yourself from Your Real Estate Competitors

Monday, August 15

Differentiating yourself from your competitors in various ways is an important step toward being a top producer.  It’s because differentiation is the foundation of branding yourself and your business.  We all know it’s no longer all about what company you work for as it used to be.  Today, who yo...