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Posted almost 13 years ago

Boost Your Real Estate Sales

Today’s home buyers are buying a home just as much as they’re buying into a neighborhood.  So it’s not enough to just sell people on the features and benefits of your listings.  You need to sell them on the features and benefits of each listing’s neighborhood as well.  You do that by becoming a neighborhood expert.  But if you are currently working several different farm neighborhoods, it’ll be difficult to establish yourself as an expert in all of them.  So focus on one particular neighborhood (ideally the one you live in) and design your website strictly with that neighborhood in mind.  When you’ve demonstrated you’re the most knowledgeable real estate professional in that neighborhood, it’s easy for people to infer you’re also the best one to work with, and so you’ll get more listings.  Having this information on your site is essential for getting your website top ranking in Google searches for your neighborhood and the surrounding area.  So here are some of the things you should address about the neighborhood on your real estate website.  

Local History – go to the local library and get to know the local history of how the neighborhood developed throughout the past century.  You can use this research as a great networking opportunity.  Ask some of the elderly people in the area if they’ve lived their all their life.  They’ll love to talk about how it was growing up there and how the area has changed.  They’ll certainly remember you when it comes time to sell their own home.

Upcoming Commercial Development – neighborhood residents are always interested in hearing about new commercial establishments to be built in the near future.  Not only will these new businesses enhance their local shopping and enjoyment of the area, but they’ll help their property value appreciate.  You can get the inside track on upcoming new businesses coming to the area by talking to local government officials such as the economic development office or your local Member of Parliament or state legislature.

Renovation Info – each neighborhood home’s have their own unique style and architecture and building codes.  So provide lots of information on how to renovate these homes for people who want to renovate an existing home after they buy it or plan to tear down the home they’re buying and build a new one.  Anyone interested in saving some money by buying a fixer upper property in the area will value this information greatly, especially rehab focused property investors.

Learn more about how to get your website top ranking in Google and other major search engines by taking my Building Your Ecommerce Business course.  This course has been approved by the Registrar, REBBA 2002 to qualify for 6 credits.

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