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Posted almost 2 years ago

Get Out There People

Some of us think about a networking meeting or a coffee meeting and get energized, but many others get scared. It can be overwhelming and not everyone is a networking machine. What I would like to get across is like it or not, you have to network somehow.

I am not saying you have to attend a HUGE networking meeting and try to meet with everyone there and get their information. I am definitely not advocating that you go there and attack everyone tossing your business card at them in some sharknado whirlwind.

Let me take a step back and talk about the why before I talk about how I like to network. I started a networking group in my area with some friends. During this networking group, I met a person who is also looking to renovate homes. We talked for a while, exchanged numbers, and went on our way. Fast forward a few weeks, I receive a phone call from this person with a deal he has on the table. He wants to get this home renovated but doesn't have the funds. Well, Well it just happens I have funds sitting around as I have not been able to nail down my next project. We went and saw the home he had under contract. I made the numbers work and now this relationship should mean $20,000 for the business.

That example above was one conversation and it made $20,000. We didn't talk about doing deals. I didn't sharknado everyone there but just talked about what I do and he did the same, now we are helping each other out. I could give you many more examples of this, but this is the most recent.

Time to talk about my networking strategy!! It's not a huge secret, I hate forcing myself into conversations. Based on this I pick out a few people and talk to them rather than try and hit the whole room. I may even talk to only one person in an event if we hit it off well enough. Your goal should never be quantity but quality. If you make one lasting connection it's much better than giving out 100 business cards that will just be thrown away.

Next time you are in a networking group, find the person that resonates with you or ones you feel you can help and make a real connection with. Get to talking, go get coffee after I meet with one person I met at a networking group for coffee once a week and we just talk business. We usually help each other out with tidbits or people connections.
