Self Storage- Deal 1
Monday, August 24
Deal 1 Its really hot outside and I'm tired of landscaping. Start Small and make your big mistakes Early.Deal breakers- market, finance, zoning, footings, road type, water/sewer availability, Storm sewers, Storm retention ponds, Over analyzing, too greedy. Everything else you can mess up and not ...
Self Storage- Why Storage?, Why me?
Monday, August 24
WHY STORAGE?, WHY ME? First of all, don’t trust anything I say. All things related to Storage, “you” can validate. You need to own the info, since its your money. Second, "start small and make your Big Mistakes early. My background is as a CPA/Controller/CFO in Small ($10mm sales) and ...
Self Storage- Broad discussion on Financing
Monday, August 24
Storage Financing- Broad Discussion Whew, hot out there. Was doing some spraying, thought I would knock out some blogs, before I forget all of this stuff. Below is a broader financing discussion to include prospective and current operators.Just finishing our financing on our latest location. Belo...
Self Storage- Storage Location Site Selection
Monday, August 24
STORAGE LOCATION “SITE” SELECTION: You have already performed the market analysis based on the earlier discussion of “Will they come?” and have learned how to analyze a town and its “Demand needs”. Now we will search for a “location” to Build out or Buy. Its preferable to Buy since this is the ...