Self Storage- Rock Roads and Parking
GeoGrid. Received the first load of Geogrid material. This will be used on the roads.
We are required to have a 24-foot-wide road. This particular item is 13 feet wide. Will overlap by 1 foot each way, which is what the manufacturer recommends.
Will use 1 to 1 1/2-inch recycled concrete with the "Fines". If you use to small or just "Clean" without the "Fines", that is a good chance your material will filter through the mesh.
Need to put 4 to 6 inches of material on it. Dump trucks will drive over the mesh and drive forward and spread rocks over it. Our Excavator guys are really good at spreading it evenly out of the dump trucks.
You want to end up with a "Crown" in the middle to move water off the road.
Why use Geogrid mesh. Be careful there is also Geogrid fabric, which is for a different application.
This mesh can come in triangles as shown or rectangles. We have used rectangles in the past and a heavier material.
Normally if you're putting a rock road down, you should put 3 inch "clean" rock down and mash it into the ground. This bigger rock makes a base. If you put little rock down, it keeps sinking into the ground. You will note, I said 3 inch "Clean" rock and not with the "Fines". You don't want to make a Road surface; you want a base. If you put the Fines it, it doesn't sink as well, and you end up with a rough surface.
The Geogrid allows you not to put down a 3-inch base. You can go directly to the 1 or 1 1/2 inch with fines. This reduces your rock needs by 1/2. Also, the geogrid disburses the weight load of even concrete trucks across the roadway versus just where the tires are, making the road stronger, even with less rock. Potholes have never occurred where we have used this material for driveways and parking. No holes occur due to the fabric. Thus, no waterholes to trap water. Thus, no potholes as you drive over the waterholes and displace soil.
You could also put Recycled Asphalt over it, but it has to be the proper size. If to small it will filter through the mesh.
