Buying a Business - (Stock Purchase vs. Asset Purchase)
Wednesday, October 21
Buying an existing business could be a lucrative endeavor but the question is: Should you acquire the business as a stock purchase or an asset purchase? Let me clarify the difference as it could get rather confusing especially if you’ve never owned a business. A stock purchase is when you buy the...
Residential Care Facilities
Wednesday, October 21
Could you “Survive” on $10,000 a month? Last week I introduced you to the world of RCF or Residential Care Facilities. This is where we use a SFH, single-family home for a commercial purpose, as a group residence for adults. With 10,000 people a day turning 65 for the next 17 years, the opportu...
How can turn “plain Jane” single family home into money making machine
Tuesday, October 20
Earlier I introduced to you the world of RCF, or residential Care Facilities. In my next entry, I went through the numbers and the profit potential for operating a RCF. This week we will cover the real estate aspect of this opportunity. How do we rent, own or otherwise control the real estate...
Top 12 Reasons to Invest in a Storage Facility
Monday, October 19
1. The recession-resistant business that’s isolated from economic cycles: 2. Recurring monthly revenues: and the revenue is spread over several units so you always get cash flow 3. Can’t be phased out by technology: Most companies need to store documents, equipment, etc. 4. Typica...
Three basic questions to succeed in life
Monday, October 19
Every now and then people open up and talk about their personal and business lives. They ask questions like: How can I increase my chances of success? What should I do? Should I marry? At the risk of simplifying life too much, I would like to suggest that most questions for anyone starting life ...
Three Stages to Making Money
Monday, October 19
There are three stages to making money: A. Your first work for money This is usually when you start. You get a job in a company, or you are a professional like a Doctor, Attorney, or Realtor, etc. Working for money requires your physical presence, your knowledge, and your time. To make more m...