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Posted 7 months ago

Pick Your Niche and Stay in Your Lane

When you first start investing trying to figure out which niche of investing you like the best is very difficult for a lot of people, most people always start by watching flip this house tv shows and think they want to try doing this type of investing, let me assure you this is a very difficult way to get started but can be profitable once you figure out all the tricks of the trade, other people will try wholesaling cause they think they can get into this type of investing with all the gurus teaching that you don't need money to get involved but the only problem with this is it costs money to buy lists to market to and gas to drive the roads looking for homes to buy not to mention without any money people will not allow you to put their home under contract to resell the contract. I settled on mobile home investing because of no competition and the costs to rehab the homes are much less than a conventional style home but once you decide the niche you want to invest in you need to stay in the niche until you become the go to person in your area for these homes and you learn all there is to know about the niche you chose to invest in, whatever you do don't jump around into other types of homes because you will be starting over again which is ok but it will slow your progress way down not to mention if you make a costly mistake or get stuck with a home that you can't do anything with and you may quit investing, once you decide what types of homes you like just buy one home fix it then rent or sell it then buy another one, whatever do please do not buy more than one at time cause if you taking on debt to buy these homes it could be very costly to pay the bill when it comes due.

happy investing 
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