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Posted 10 months ago

Avoid The Shiny Object Syndrome When Investing In Mobile Homes

When you start investing do NOT get caught up in the shiny object syndrome like I did cause it will slow you down by years in your investing journey.
I started investing in homes probably 12 years ago or more by buying my first single family, once I purchased and flipped this home then i tried wholesaling a few homes to make a little money, I did not care to much for wholesaling due to how difficult it was to get sellers to allow you to sell their home to another end buyer. Then I tried buying a home sub2 the existing mortgage this worked out pretty well but it seemed to me like the devil was in the details with all the paperwork and having to get the sellers to understand this niche of Realestate was very difficult as well not to mention you had to convince them to stay on the mortgage with you until you sold it, this was a huge pain in the tale for me as well. When I look back at the homes we completed and sold we did a lot of work and spent tons of money to make small returns on your money. I just decided that I wanted out of my day job faster than those types of flips could help do it and thats when I switched to mobile homes. These types of homes are much cheaper to buy and much cheaper to repair due to there size not to mention there is almost no competition to buy these types of homes like there are for conventional housing, the absolute best thing I love about them is there is no need for a mortgage since you can still buy them for less than 10k.

happy investing 
Trailer Trash To Trailer Cash 

Comments (1)

  1. Great advice! This applies to most investing.