Benefits Of Using Facebook For Your Business
Wednesday, March 11
Facebook is the world’s largest social networking website and it currently has more than 1 billion users worldwide. Since 2011, Facebook has invested more than 1 billion USD in programs to help job seekers and businesses succeed in our digital economy, making it the most used social platform ...
7 Platforms That Every Real Estate Business MUST Use
Sunday, February 02
In this day and age, every business, including the real estate industry must (not should) be using these seven social media platforms out there if their company wants to raise more capital, sell more houses/apartments, get quality leads, attract more customers and become a leading company in th...
5 Financial Mistakes That Keeps Most People Poor
Saturday, January 04
1. They Buy A House. I'm not even going to be sorry about this statement. Buying a house is really, really a dumb idea, who was probably sold by the Wall Street and just makes a handful people rich, while the rest of the people stay trapped for 30 years going through all the economic ups and down...
10 Wealthiest Families in the World That Will Inspire You To Do More
Friday, January 03
After eating some turkey we can take time and take a look at some other families and get some inspiration and motivation to reach for more in the upcoming year, maybe not all of us going to be coming up with an idea like Walmart or Chanel but just to see what is possible in the world to create w...
What Type of Investments to Make in 2020 And Going Forward?
Thursday, January 02
You know the saying that, nothing changes until you change and that is so true. If you will follow these five things, you are definitively going to find yourself in a different, better place in life. This is not rocket science, simple strategies and proven techniques to follow. Let me know, whi...
Reasons Why People Don't Get RICH
Wednesday, January 01
The list could be super long here because there are many factors that may keep people poor. But I want to narrow down to the biggest factors that keep people from becoming financially well off and it is not even those that they can't control, like being born at the wrong time or in the wrong cou...