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Posted about 4 years ago

How Can Someone Do Business With You...if They Don't Know You

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Starting a business from scratch isn’t an easy task, actually, it's the opposite - we spend our energy and capital to gain as much attention to our products and services as possible. But sometimes, no matter how much we try, it takes too long before we are able to generate the first profit. That’s why I’m suggesting you build your image before building your actual business.

Building an image for yourself first is a great strategy that will help you gain the audience who would have trust in your knowledge and eventually in your business. Even though it might seem like a secret plan we came up with, most of the leaders in their field today, started exactly by promoting themselves, before developing their own business.

Gaining following isn't as hard as it might seem or as it might have been years ago. Thankfully, today we have social media that makes every task seem a lot easier. That's why I want to use this opportunity and share some tips on how you can grow a huge audience in no time to later turn them into your clients.

1. Join Facebook.

    We all have heard of Facebook as it is currently the number one social media platform in the world with millions of users daily. And even though you are most likely already part of it, just uploading daily content isn't a way of getting people interested in you.

    You will be using Facebook, mainly to gain connections - join different groups associated with your work area, get to know people in the same field as you, learn even more by reading about their experiences and their opinions about certain things and never hesitate to share yours with the world, as that will be the first step of proving yourself to social media users.

    2. Create a Blog.

      The best way of sharing your knowledge with the world and gaining feedback for it is developing your personal blog where you would be able to educate people interested in your field and eventually gain their trust in you.

      Blog posting is one of the most common ways of self-promoting in business and it's definitely a time for you to join the bandwagon. Try to create posts about current popular topics, answer the most popular questions asked by clients of your field, and share your experience with them to gain attention as soon as possible.

      3. Start a podcast or a YouTube channel.

        Creating either a podcast or a YouTube channel is a great idea if you want this whole experience to feel a lot more personal - your audience will be able to hear and see you through videos, which is actually something most of the people prefer over reading blog posts.

        Additionally, you will be able to promote your videos or podcasts on your Facebook or even link it on your blog post, which means it is more than possible to combine them all, for a better result at the end.
