My Sick Daughter - Hoping for Your Positive Energies
Thursday, August 04
Hey guys - I'm pretty quiet about my personal life, but in this case, I feel like we can use all the positive vibes we can get. My daughter (2yrs+) has been sick for a few weeks with fevers, but it has gotten much worse over the past few days (starting Saturday) when these started spiking in ...
New Upgrades, PRO Forums, and Social Integration
Tuesday, July 05
Over the past week, we've been working on an upgrade to the framework that our website sits on - Rails. This upgrade was released yesterday, July 4, and unfortunately, while we try to ensure that such upgrades don't cause problems, this one did. We've been debugging for the past 2 days and have...
The BiggerPockets Real Estate FilePlace is Now Live!
Wednesday, June 22
In our latest enhancement to the BiggerPockets website, we've just launched our BiggerPockets Real Estate FilePlace. Features & Benefits - This new feature will allow our users to easily share and download real estate files. Whether you're looking for documents to help your business or want ...
Special BiggerPockets Summer Ad Sale
Sunday, June 19
Looking for exposure on the BiggerPockets Network and on our Newsletter?SUMMER SALE TIME! We're opening up 4 sponsor packages on a first come first serve basis. These steeply discounted packages (over 40% off posted prices) include:100,000 728x90 monthly banner impressions 100,000 300x250 monthl...
Want to do More Business On BiggerPockets? Make Sure You Use A Profile Picture!
Monday, June 13
Trust. Confidence. Experience. These are all words that we want people to apply to us. Not only do we want it, but it is immensely important when trying to build a business that people feel this way about you or your company.There is a very simple way to start down the path of getting all of ...
BiggerPockets Launches NEW Navigation
Sunday, June 12
As the first in a series of planned upgrades to the look and feel of the site, as well as much of the functionality, our current and past members can see that we've made some big changes.BiggerPockets V.6.0 is now liveWe made a brief screencast to help walk you through all the new features and fu...