Special BiggerPockets Summer Ad Sale
Looking for exposure on the BiggerPockets Network and on our Newsletter?
We're opening up 4 sponsor packages on a first come first serve basis. These steeply discounted packages (over 40% off posted prices) include:
- 100,000 728x90 monthly banner impressions
- 100,000 300x250 monthly banner impressions
- 1 - 468x60 Leaderboard banner insert in the BiggerPockets Newsletter (43,000+ current subscribers)
The package price for this deal is only $1,800/month and will be sold in 3 month blocks.
So, you'd buy 3 months, get 600,000 total ad impressions on the site and 3 insertions in our newsletter for only $5,400
If you're interested, please fill out our advertising form and indicate in the details that you're interested in our Summer Package.