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Updated over 3 years ago, 07/16/2021
Write Offs-AirBnb vs Rental
Hi everyone and thank you for taking your time to help. What are the differences if any to Airbnb Write offs and tax benefits compared to traditional rental or small multifamily rental properties? Depreciation, cost segregation, etc. I have a client who is being told by someone she trusts there are vast differences in the strategies between the two and she can write off and have more benefits with airbnb, so she feels she has to do Airbnb. I have found her a house with a 4 plex on the same lot, and it would be 1, more reliable long term as a traditional rental, and 2, the 4 plex is seperated and extremely private and she could airbnb the main home if she wanted and bring in more money.
Are there any tax benefits that one has that it's not possible for the other to have?