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Updated over 11 years ago, 04/04/2013
lower end rentals vs higher end rentals
Hey BP,
I have a question that has been on my mind for sometime now. I was reading a few threads from the archivsection on this but i still needed a little bit of clarification.
I notice that some investors invest in low end rentals (c neighborhoods) vs high end reantals (B to A neighborhoods) U
How do ypu guys make money in the low end rentals. I mean, i was always told to buy property that were locatd in a good area where veryone wants to live, that way the unit is easier to rent or easier to sell in case something came. But i hear investors all the time that the low end stuff givess of more cashflow ect...
Why is that? How do you get that to happen? I thought these tenants were the ones we didnt want?
If someone could explain WHY and HOW? I would greatly appreciate it!