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Updated over 10 years ago, 05/15/2014
Tenant Problem
I have a rental in Idaho and I live in Ca. I've asked the tenant TWICE to make arrangements with my sprinkler repair guy to come over and replace old sprinkler heads and adjust the system. My tenant says sprinklers are fine. I know they need attention as I was warned by the HOA late last summer about dry, brown front yard and don't want this to happen again. I think he has something he doesn't want me to see or know about. Living 550 miles away makes it difficult for me to address this isuue. ANY SUGGESTIONS??
Why don't you call the repair guy?
Your lease should say that you are able to enter the home at any reasonable time for maintenance and in this case I am assuming you will only need to have the sprinkler guy in the garage to test the system.
You should make arrangements with the sprinkler guy yourself and notify the tenant of the time they are coming. If they refuse to let them in the garage they would be in breach of the lease. I'm fairly new so I could be off base but that is how I see it at least from my view in Texas.
Maybe talk with someone at the HOA, find out what they want, and ask them who they use/recommend for this issue. I would skip the tenant's involvement all together, and since there is likely a shut-off outside, the repairman likely won't even need to talk to them...
HI Michael - where in Idaho is your property? I am in Boise, and have resources for Landscape companies and Property Management companies here. Feel free to PM me if you prefer.
my guess is he does not run them at all to keep his water bill down
- Rhett Tullis
- [email protected]
- 4052836522
Don't assume the worst unless you have some indication that he would be that kind of person. Tenants rarely keep the lawn green or mowed (less than 1 in 10) by my experience. I agree with others that you should do the scheduling and tell the tenant when the sprinkler guy will be there (with proper notice like 24 hours). The best way to assure a green lawn from 550 miles away is to pay the water bill, hire the mowing done and then hire a 2nd set of eyes to make sure it's all done right.
As long as the water is turned on , the sprinkler guy can check and adjust the heads without someone being there ( operate valves from valve box) . If the controller is outside , even better , he can set the clock and start times . But if the renter doesnt want to pay the water bill , all he has to do is turn it off .
( I own an irrigation service and install company)