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Lokesh W.
  • Milwaukee, WI
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Posts score. Is it accurate??

Lokesh W.
  • Milwaukee, WI
Posted Aug 20 2012, 09:25

I got my credit scores from My scores are as follows:

TransUnion: 773
Experien: 778

I called one of the business credit companies because I am thinking of obtaining a business loan and the manager told me that MyFico reports inaccurate scores. They are usually 60 points more than the actual score because the credit score companies like TU and Exp pay them a monthly fee. If ordered a credit score from Experien, then my score would report 60 points lower (Ex. Experien Score would be 718 instead of 778). Is that true??

Before I go crazy ordering credit scores from various companies, please let me know if you (or someone you know) have experienced this is different credit score companies. Should I order credit score from other companies??

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

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