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Daniel Rabinov
  • Investor
  • Madrid, Spain
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Investing in Miami area - Best strategies today

Daniel Rabinov
  • Investor
  • Madrid, Spain
Posted May 12 2024, 05:31


I had a similar post in the past, but wanted to repost with a bit more focus on the area - So Miami/Broward County would be ideal.

I would like to hear about what would be in your opinion the best way to capitalize on real estate while living in Miami as a new investor while leveraging sweat equity. 

1. Cash at hand: $1M

2. Goals: Cash flow in A/B areas. Meaning I want to maximize the cash flow, but do not want to go to C- neighborhoods. Must have future appreciation while maintaining some cash flow.

3. Do not want to invest OOS (willing to make short trips/flights within Florida) but ideally I would like to be able to drive there.

4. Want to leverage sweat equity for future automation (i.e flip and rent, short term business, etc.)

Considering the current market, I feel like there will be opportunities arising in the next 6 months in the area. Not sure what everyone's market sentiment is here, but there is are pretty straightforward indicators that markets are cooling. 

Please try to direct me to specific areas with specific strategies that you know work. 

I know it's hard to cash flow today, especially in the A neighborhoods, but would like to hear what you think.


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