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- Acme Mill
- Acorn
- Acton
- Adair
- Adams
- Adams Crossroads
- Adams Mill
- Adamsville
- Addison
- Adkins Mill
- Adolphus
- Aethra
- Aetna
- Afton
- Akard Addition
- Akeman Crossroad
- Alamo
- Alanthus Hill
- Albany
- Alberton
- Alcoa
- Aldenwood Park
- Alder Branch
- Alder Springs
- Alexander Mill
- Alexander Springs
- Alexandria
- Algood
- Allardt
- Allen Grove
- Allens
- Allingham
- Allisona
- Allons
- Alloway
- Allred
- Almaville
- Alnwick
- Alpha
- Alpha Heights
- Alpine
- Altamont
- Alta Vista
- Alto
- Alumwell
- Amis
- Anchor Mill
- Anderson
- Andersonville
- Anes
- Angeltown
- Anglers Cove
- Annadel
- Anthony Hill
- Anthras
- Antioch
- Antioch Harbor Resort
- Apalachia
- Apison
- Apollo Shores
- Appleton
- Arcadia
- Archer
- Archville
- Arcott
- Arden
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- Armathwaite
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- Arno
- Arp
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- Ashland City
- Ashley Oaks
- Ashport
- Ashwood
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- Athens
- Atoka
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- Auburntown
- Austin
- Austins Mill
- Austin Springs
- Austral
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- Avondale Springs
- Ayers
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- Babbs Mill
- Bacchus
- Bachelder
- Backwoods
- Baggettsville
- Bailey
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- Bailey Town
- Bain
- Bairds Mill
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- Bakers Crossroads
- Bakersworks
- Bakerton
- Bakerville
- Bakewell
- Bald Point
- Ball Camp
- Ball Play
- Balltown
- Balmoral
- Baltimore
- Baneberry
- Bangham
- Banner Hill
- Banner Springs
- Baptist Ridge
- Barefoot
- Barfield
- Bargerton
- Barkertown
- Barnardsville
- Barnes
- Barnesville
- Barr
- Barren Plain
- Barretville
- Barthelia
- Bartlebaugh
- Bartlebaugh Subdivision
- Bartlett
- Barton Mill
- Barton Springs
- Bass Bay
- Bates
- Bates Hill
- Bath Springs
- Batley
- Baucom
- Baugh
- Baugh Spring
- Baxter
- Beacon
- Beans Creek
- Bean Station
- Beardstown
- Bear Spring
- Bear Stand
- Beartown
- Bear Wallow
- Beasley
- Beasley Crossroads
- Beaver
- Beaverdam Springs
- Beaver Hill
- Beckwith
- Bedford
- Beech Bluff
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- Beech Fork
- Beechgrove
- Beech Grove
- Beech Hill
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- Beech Springs
- Beechwood
- Beeler Mill
- Beersheba Springs
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- Bella Vista Acres
- Bell Bridge
- Bell Buckle
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- Belleview Estates
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- Bells Mill
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- Belltown Hill
- Belltown Mill
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- Benton
- Benton Cut
- Benton Springs
- Benton Station
- Berea
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- Berry Hill
- Berrys Chapel
- Bessie
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- Bethel Springs
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- Big Springs
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- Binfield
- Bingham
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- Birdsong Heights
- Bishop
- Bitter End
- Bivens
- Black Center
- Black Creek
- Black Fox
- Black Jack
- Blackman
- Black Oak
- Blaine
- Blair
- Blair Gap
- Blakeville
- Blanche
- Bledsoe
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- Block
- Blockhouse
- Blondy
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- Blooming Grove
- Bloomington
- Bloomington Heights
- Bloomington Springs
- Blossom
- Blountville
- Blowing Springs
- Blue Bank
- Blue Creek
- Blue Gem
- Blue Goose
- Blue Grass
- Blue Hill
- Blue Mill
- Blue Sky
- Blue Spring
- Blue Springs
- Blue Springs Resort
- Bluewing
- Bluff City
- Bluff Creek
- Bluff Springs
- Bluffton
- Bluhmtown
- Board Valley
- Boatland
- Bobtown
- Bodenham
- Boggess Crossroad
- Bogota
- Bold Spring
- Boles
- Bolivar
- Bolton
- Boma
- Bon Air
- Bon Aqua
- Bon Aqua Junction
- Bond
- Bone Cave
- Bonham
- Bonicord
- Bonnertown
- Bonneville Estates
- Bonny Kate
- Bonsack
- Bonta Vista Estates
- Boom
- Boomer
- Boone
- Boones Creek
- Booneville
- Boonshill
- Boothspoint
- Borden Village
- Boston
- Bottle Hollow
- Bowen
- Bowman
- Bowmantown
- Box Elder
- Boxwood Hills
- Boyd
- Boyds Creek
- Boynton Valley
- Brace
- Brackentown
- Bradburn Hill
- Bradbury
- Braden
- Bradford
- Bradleytown
- Bradshaw
- Bradyville
- Braemar
- Branchville
- Bransford
- Bratchers Crossroads
- Brattontown
- Bray
- Brayton
- Braytown
- Brazil
- Breedenton
- Brentwood
- Brentwood Station
- Brewstertown
- Briar Thicket
- Briarwood
- Briceville
- Brick Church
- Brick Mill
- Bride
- Bridgeport
- Bridwell Heights
- Brier Hill
- Bright Hope
- Brighton
- Bristol
- Brittontown
- Brittsville
- Broad Acres
- Broadmoor
- Broadview
- Broadway
- Brockdell
- Brookfield Acres
- Brooklin
- Brookside
- Brookside Mill
- Brotherton
- Brown Crossroads
- Brown Ellis
- Brownington
- Brown Mill
- Browns
- Browns Mill
- Browns Shop
- Brownsville
- Browntown
- Broylesville
- Bruceton
- Bruceville
- Brundige
- Bruner Grove
- Brunswick
- Brush Creek
- Bruton Branch
- Bryan Hill
- Bryan Mill
- Bryant Station
- Bryson
- Bryson Mountain
- Brysonville
- Buchanan
- Buckeye
- Bucklick
- Buckner
- Bucks Mill
- Bucksnort
- Bucktown
- Buena Vista
- Buffalo
- Buffalo Springs
- Buffalo Valley
- Buffat Heights
- Bufords
- Bugscuffle
- Buladeen
- Bullet Creek
- Bulls Gap
- Bumpus Cove
- Bumpus Mills
- Buncombe
- Bungalow
- Bunker Hill
- Buntontown
- Burbank
- Burchfield Heights
- Burem
- Burgen
- Burger
- Burke
- Burlison
- Burns
- Burristown
- Burrville
- Burt
- Burton Mill
- Burwood
- Busby
- Busselltown
- Busseltown
- Butler
- Butlers Landing
- Bybee
- Byrdstown
- Cabo
- Cactus Cove
- Cades
- Caffey
- Cagle
- Caigletown
- Cain Mill
- Cainsville
- Cairo
- Cairo Bend
- Calderwood
- Caldwell
- Calhoun
- Calico
- Calistia
- Callie
- Calls
- Camargo
- Cambria
- Cambridge
- Camden
- Camelot
- Campaign
- Campbells Station
- Campbellsville
- Camp Creek
- Camp Ground
- Camp Jordan
- Camp Ocoee
- Camp Placid
- Camp Tom Howard
- Camp Wildwood
- Canaan
- Canaan Grove
- Canadaville
- Canby Hills
- Caney Branch
- Caney Creek
- Caney Hollow
- Caney Spring
- Capitol Hill
- Capleville
- Cardiff
- Carlisle
- Carlock
- Carlton
- Carpenter Addition
- Carpenter Campground
- Carroll
- Carson Springs
- Carter
- Carter Crossroads
- Carters Creek
- Cartertown
- Carthage
- Cartwright
- Caryville
- Cash Point
- Cassville
- Castalian Springs
- Castle Heights
- Catalpa
- Cataska
- Cates
- Catlettsburg
- Cato
- Caton
- Catons Grove
- Catoosa
- Cave Creek
- Cave Mill
- Cave Spring
- Cedar Bluff
- Cedar Chapel
- Cedar Creek
- Cedar Crest North
- Cedar Fork
- Cedar Grove
- Cedar Hill
- Cedar Springs
- Celina
- Center
- Center Grove
- Center Hill
- Center Point
- Center Point Lula
- Center Star
- Centersville
- Centertown
- Centerview
- Centerville
- Central
- Cerro Gordo
- Chalet Village
- Chalklevel
- Chalybeate
- Chambers
- Champ
- Chanceytown
- Chandler
- Chanute
- Chapel Hill
- Chapman Grove
- Chapmans
- Chapmansboro
- Charleston
- Charleys Branch
- Charlotte
- Chartersville
- Chaseville
- Chaska
- Chattanooga
- Cheap Hill
- Cheeks Crossroads
- Cherokee
- Cherokee Heights
- Cherokee Hills
- Cherokee Ridge
- Cherokee Woods
- Cherry
- Cherrybrook
- Cherry Crossroads
- Cherry Hill
- Cherry Valley
- Cherrywood
- Chesney
- Chesterfield
- Chestnut Bluff
- Chestnut Grove
- Chestnut Hill
- Chestnut Mound
- Chestnut Ridge
- Chestnut Valley
- Chestoa
- Chestuee
- Chewalla
- Chic
- Childers Hill
- Childress
- Chilhowee
- Chilhowee Hills
- Chilhowee View
- China Grove
- Chinquapin Grove
- Chinubee
- Chipman
- Chittum
- Choptack
- Chota
- Choto Estates
- Choto Hills
- Christiana
- Christian Bend
- Christianburg
- Christmasville
- Chuckey
- Church Hill
- Churchton
- Citico Beach
- Clack Branch
- Clairfield
- Clarketown
- Clarkrange
- Clarksburg
- Clarksville
- Clarktown
- Claxton
- Claybrook
- Clay Hill
- Claylick
- Claysville
- Clayton
- Clearbranch
- Clearmont
- Clear Springs
- Clearwater
- Clementsville
- Cleveland
- Clevenger
- Click Mill
- Cliffside
- Cliff Springs
- Clifton
- Clifty
- Climer
- Clinchmore
- Clinch View
- Clinton
- Clopton
- Cloud Creek
- Cloud Ford
- Clouds
- Clouse Hill
- Clovercroft
- Cloverdale
- Clover Hill
- Cloverport
- Club Springs
- Coalfield
- Coal Hill
- Coaling
- Coalmont
- Coble
- Cochran
- Coffee Ridge
- Coile
- Coker Creek
- Cold Spring
- Cold Springs
- Coldwater
- Colesburg
- Coletown
- Collegedale
- College Grove
- College Hill
- College Park
- College Park Estates
- Collierville
- Collins
- Collins Mill
- Collinwood
- Colonial Heights
- Columbia
- Columbia Hill
- Columbus Hill
- Combs
- Comfort
- Commerce
- Como
- Compton
- Conasauga
- Conasauga Heights
- Concord
- Condon
- Condra
- Conkintown
- Conklin
- Conner Heights
- Conway
- Conyersville
- Cookeville
- Cook Mill
- Cooktown
- Cool Springs
- Cooper Mill
- Coopertown
- Copperhill
- Copper Ridge
- Coptown
- Coran
- Corbandale
- Cordell
- Corder Crossroads
- Cordova
- Corinth
- Cornersville
- Corona
- Corryton
- Cortner
- Cortners Mill
- Cosby
- Coster Yards
- Cottage Grove
- Cottage Home
- Cotton Lake
- Cotton Patch Crossroads
- Cottontown
- Cottonwood Grove
- Cotula
- Coulter Shoals
- Coulterville
- Counce
- Courtland
- Cove Creek
- Cove Creek Cascades
- Cove Lake Estates
- Covington
- Cowan
- Cowan Springs
- Cowden
- Coxburg
- Coxville
- Cozette
- Crab Orchard
- Crabtree
- Crackers Neck
- Craft Spring
- Craggie Hope
- Craigfield
- Crandull
- Cranmore Cove
- Cravenstown
- Crawford
- Creek Side
- Creekwood
- Crenshaw
- Crescent
- Crescent View
- Creston
- Crestwood
- Crestwood Hills
- Crewstown
- Crisp Spring
- Crockett
- Crockett Mills
- Cromwell Crossroads
- Cronanville
- Cross
- Cross Lanes
- Cross Plains
- Cross Roads
- Crosstown
- Crossville
- Crouch Crossroad
- Crowley Store
- Crowtexas
- Crucifer
- Crump
- Crunk
- Crystal
- Crystal Springs
- Cuba
- Cub Creek
- Culleoka
- Culpepper
- Culvahouse
- Cumberland City
- Cumberland Furnace
- Cumberland Gap
- Cumberland Heights
- Cumberland Homesteads
- Cumberland Spring
- Cumberland Springs
- Cumberland View
- Cumberland View Estates
- Cummings Crossroads
- Cummingsville
- Cunningham
- Curlee
- Currie
- Curtistown
- Curve
- Cusick
- Cypress
- Cypress Inn
- Dale Acres
- Dallas Crest
- Dallas Gardens
- Dallas Hills
- Damascus
- Damon
- Dancyville
- Dandridge
- Dante
- Darden
- Darkey Springs
- Daus
- Davidson
- Davis
- Davis Chapel
- Davis Springs
- Daylight
- Days Crossroads
- Daysville
- Dayton
- Dayton Spur
- Dean
- Deanburg
- Deans
- DeArmond
- Deason
- Decatur
- Decatur Hills
- Decaturville
- Decherd
- Deep Springs
- Deerfield
- Deerfield Acres
- Deer Lodge
- Deermont
- Defeated
- Delano
- De Lap
- Delina
- Dellrose
- Dellwood
- Del Rio
- Demory
- Denmark
- Denton
- Denton Crossroads
- Dentville
- Denver
- DePriest Bend
- De Rossett
- DeRusk
- Desha
- Detroit
- Diana
- Dibrell
- Dickson
- Dickson Town
- Difficult
- Dill
- Dillton
- Disco
- Disney
- Ditty
- Dixie
- Dixie Lee
- Dixie Mills
- Dixon Springs
- Dixonville
- Doaks Crossroads
- Dockery
- Doddsville
- Dodson
- Dodson Branch
- Doeville
- Dog Hill
- Dogtown
- Dogwood
- Dogwood Flat
- Dogwood Shores
- Dollar
- Dolomite
- Donoho
- Doran Addition
- Dorton
- Dossett
- Dotson
- Dotsontown
- Dotsonville
- Double Bridges
- Double Springs
- Double Top
- Douglas
- Douglas Estates
- Dover
- Dowelltown
- Dowler Heights
- Doyle
- Doyle Springs
- Drake Forest
- Drapers Crossroads
- Dresden
- Drummonds
- Dry Creek
- Dry Hill
- Duck Creek
- Ducktown
- Dudney Hill
- Duff
- Dukedom
- Dulaney
- Dull
- Dumplin
- Dumplin Mill
- Dunbar
- Duncan
- Duncantown
- Duncanville
- Dunlap
- Duo
- Duplex
- Duplex Mission
- Dupont
- Dupont Springs
- Durhamville
- Dutch Valley
- Dyer
- Dyersburg
- Dykes
- Dykes Crossroads
- Dykes Mill
- Dyllis
- Eads
- Eagan
- Eagle Creek
- Eagle Furnace
- Eagle Point
- Eagle Point Cabin Area
- Eagleton Village
- Eagleville
- Earleyville
- East Brainerd
- Eastbrook
- East Cleveland
- East Cyruston
- Eastdale
- East Etowah
- East Fork
- East Hill
- East Jamestown
- Eastland
- Eastport
- East Ridge
- East Side
- East Sweetwater
- East Union
- Eastview
- Eastwood
- Eaton
- Eaton Crossroads
- Eaton Forest
- Ebenezer
- Echo Valley
- Eden of the Lake
- Edgemont
- Edgemoor
- Edgewater
- Edgewood
- Edgewood Acres
- Edgewood Heights
- Edgewood Hills
- Edith
- Edna
- Edward Grove
- Edwards Point
- Edwina
- Egam
- Egan
- Egypt
- Eidson
- Elba
- Elbethel
- Elbridge
- Elgin
- Elizabeth
- Elizabethton
- Elkhead
- Elkhorn
- Elkins
- Elk Mills
- Elkmont
- Elkmont Springs
- Elkton
- Elk Valley
- Ellejoy
- Ellendale
- Ellis Mill
- Ellis Mills
- Elmore
- Elm Springs
- Elmwood
- Elora
- Elverton
- Elysian Grove
- Elza
- Embreeville
- Emery Mill
- Emmett
- Emory Valley
- Englewood
- English Creek
- Eno
- Enon
- Ensor
- Enterprise
- Enville
- Ephesus
- Epperson
- Epworth
- Erasmus
- Erie
- Erin
- Ernestville
- Erwin
- Essary Springs
- Estes Pond
- Estill Springs
- Ethridge
- Etowah
- Etter
- Euchee
- Eulia
- Eureka
- Eurekaton
- Eva
- Evanston
- Evansville
- Eve Mills
- Evensville
- Evergreen
- Ewingville
- Excell
- Fagin
- Fairfield
- Fairfield Glade
- Fairgarden
- Fair Garden
- Fairlane
- Fairmount
- Fair Oaks
- Fairview
- Fairview Heights
- Faix
- Falcon
- Fall Branch
- Fall Creek
- Falling Water
- Fall River
- Falls Mill
- Fanchers Mills
- Fancy
- Farmer Mill
- Farmers Union Landing
- Farmington
- Farner
- Farragut
- Farrar Hill
- Farrport
- Faulkner Springs
- Faxon
- Fayetteville
- Felker
- Fernvale
- Fernwood
- Fikes Mill
- Fincastle
- Finger
- Finley
- Finney Patch
- Fisherville
- Fish Springs
- Five Forks
- Five Points
- Flag Pond
- Flat Branch
- Flat Creek
- Flat Gap
- Flat Hollow
- Flat Rock
- Flat Top
- Flat Top Mountain
- Flatwood
- Flatwoods
- Flat Woods
- Flewellyn
- Flint Springs
- Flintville
- Flippin
- Floraton
- Florence
- Flourville
- Flowertown
- Fly
- Fochee
- Forbus
- Ford
- Fordtown
- Forest Grove
- Forest Heights
- Forest Highlands
- Forest Hill
- Forest Hills
- Forest Home
- Forest Mill
- Forest Park
- Forge Ridge
- Forked Deer
- Fork Mountain
- Fork Ridge
- Forks of the River
- Fort Harry
- Fort Henry
- Fort Loudon
- Fort Loudon Estates
- Forty Five
- Forty Forks
- Foster Crossroads
- Fosterville
- Foundry Hill
- Fountaincrest
- Fountain Head
- Fountain Heights
- Four Points
- Fourville
- Foust
- Fowler Grove
- Fowlkes
- Fox Bluff
- Fox Fire
- Fox Hills
- Frankewing
- Frankfort
- Franklin
- Fraterville
- Fredonia
- Free Hill
- Freeland
- Freemont
- Freeway
- Freewill
- Fremont
- French Broad
- Friendship
- Friends Station
- Friendsville
- Frierson Town
- Frisco
- Frog Jump
- Frog Pond
- Frost Bottom
- Fruitland
- Fruitvale
- Fuller
- Fulton
- Furnace
- Gabtown
- Gadsden
- Gainesboro
- Gainesville
- Gaitherville
- Galbraith Springs
- Galen
- Galewood
- Gallatin
- Gallaway
- Galloway Mill
- Gandy
- Gann
- Gant
- Gap Creek
- Gap of the Ridge
- Gap Spring
- Garber
- Gardner
- Garland
- Garrett
- Garrettsburg
- Garretts Mill
- Gassaway
- Gates
- Gath
- Gatlinburg
- Gattistown
- Gause
- Genesis
- Geneva
- Gennett Camp
- Gentry
- Georgetown
- Germantown
- Gernt
- Gerren Heights
- Gibbs Crossroads
- Gibson
- Gibson Wells
- Gift
- Gilchrist
- Giles Town
- Gillises Mills
- Gilmore
- Gilreath Mill
- Gilt Edge
- Gismonda
- Gladdice
- Glade
- Glades
- Gladeville
- Gladstone
- Glass
- Gleason
- Glen
- Glen Alice
- Glen Alpine
- Glendale
- Glendale Estates
- Glenmary
- Glenmore Estates
- Glenobey
- Glenwood
- Glenwylde
- Glimp
- Globe
- Glover Crossroad
- Glover Hill
- Gnat Grove
- Gnat Hill
- Goat City
- Gobey
- Godwin
- Goffton
- Goin
- Golddust
- Goodbars
- Goodfield
- Good Hope
- Goodlettsville
- Good Luck
- Goodrich
- Goodspring
- Goodsprings
- Goose Horn
- Gooseneck
- Gordonsburg
- Gordonsville
- Gorman
- Goshen
- Gossburg
- Graball
- Grady
- Graham
- Graham Mill
- Grand Junction
- Grandview
- Grandview Terrace
- Granite
- Grant
- Grantsboro
- Granville
- Grassland
- Grassy Cove
- Grassy Creek
- Grassy Fork
- Gratio
- Gravel Hill
- Gravelly Hills
- Gravelotte
- Graveltown
- Graveston
- Gray
- Gray Acres
- Graysburg
- Grays Camp
- Grays Crossing
- Graysville
- Graytown
- Green Acres
- Greenback
- Greenbrier
- Green Brier
- Greeneville
- Greenfield
- Greenfield Bend
- Green Grove
- Greenhaw
- Green Hill
- Greenland
- Greenlawn
- Green Meadow
- Green Pine
- Green Pond
- Greens Crossroad
- Greens Mill
- Greens View
- Greentown
- Greenvale
- Green Valley
- Greenway
- Greenwood
- Greenwood Forest
- Greenwood Heights
- Greivertown
- Greystone
- Greystone Heights
- Griffen
- Griffintown
- Griffith
- Griffith Creek
- Grigsby
- Grimsley
- Grizzard
- Gross Crossroad
- Gruetli-Laager
- Gudger
- Gulf Park
- Gulfwood
- Gum
- Gum Creek
- Gumdale
- Gum Flat
- Gum Spring
- Gum Springs
- Gunnings
- Guntown
- Guys
- Habersham
- Hackberry
- Haigler Ridge
- Hale
- Hale Mill
- Hales Camp
- Hales Crossroads
- Hales Point
- Haley
- Half Acre
- Half Moon Shores
- Halfway
- Hallbrook
- Halls
- Halls Creek
- Halls Crossroads
- Halls Hill
- Halls Mill
- Halltown
- Hamble
- Hambright
- Hamburg
- Hamilton Mill
- Hamlin Town
- Hampshire
- Hampton
- Hampton Mill
- Hampton Station
- Handleyton
- Haney
- Hanging Limb
- Happy Hill
- Happy Valley
- Harbin
- Harbison Crossroads
- Harbor Heights
- Harbuck
- Hardin Estates
- Hardison Mill
- Hardscrabble
- Hardy
- Hargiss
- Harmon
- Harmony
- Harmony Grove
- Harmony Hills
- Harms
- Harpeth
- Harpeth Valley
- Harr
- Harriman
- Harris
- Harrisburg
- Harris Hills
- Harris Mill
- Harrison
- Harrison Bluff
- Harrison Hills
- Harrison Point
- Harrogate
- Harrtown
- Hartford
- Hartmantown
- Hartsville
- Harwell
- Hatchertown
- Hatchie
- Hathaway
- Havana
- Hawkinsville
- Haws Crossroads
- Hawthorne
- Haydenburg
- Hayesville
- Haynes
- Hays
- Haysville
- Head of Barren
- Heath
- Heather Heights
- Hebbertsburg
- Hebron
- Heiskell
- Helena
- Helenwood
- Heloise
- Helton
- Hematite
- Hembree
- Hemlock Park
- Henard Mill
- Henardtown
- Henderson
- Henderson Springs
- Hendersonville
- Hendon
- Hendron
- Henning
- Henrietta
- Henry
- Henry Crossroads
- Henryville
- Herbert Domain
- Heritage Hills
- Hermitage Springs
- Hiawassee
- Hickey
- Hickman
- Hickory
- Hickory Flat
- Hickory Flats
- Hickory Forks
- Hickory Grove
- Hickory Heights
- Hickory Hill Estates
- Hickory Hills
- Hickory Point
- Hickory Tree
- Hickory Valley
- Hickory Withe
- Hico
- Hidden Hills
- Hidden Valley
- High Bluff
- Highcliff
- Highland
- Highland Acres
- Highland Heights
- Highland Park
- Highland Springs
- High Point
- Hilham
- Hill
- Hillard
- Hillcrest
- Hillsboro
- Hillsdale
- Hillsview
- Hilltop
- Hillvale
- Hillville
- Himesville
- Hinds Creek Valley
- Hinkle
- Hinkledale
- Hinson Springs
- Hitchcox
- Hiwassee College
- Hixon
- Hixson
- Hobbs Hill
- Hodges
- Hodgetown
- Hohenwald
- Holiday Hills
- Holiday Shores
- Holladay
- Holland Ford
- Holland Mill
- Holloway
- Hollow Rock
- Hollow Springs
- Holly Creek
- Holly Grove
- Holly Heights
- Holly Leaf
- Holly Springs
- Hollywood
- Holston
- Holston Valley
- Holton
- Holts Corner
- Holtsville
- Holttown
- Holy Hill
- Homaway Village
- Homestead
- Honeycutt
- Hoodoo
- Hookers Bend
- Hopewell
- Hopewell Mill
- Hopewell Springs
- Hopkins Crossing
- Hopson
- Hornbeak
- Horner
- Hornertown
- Hornet
- Hornsby
- Horse Creek
- Horseshoe
- Horsleys
- Hortense
- Housley
- Houston
- Howard
- Howard Mill
- Howard Quarter
- Howard Springs
- Howardville
- Howell
- Howell Hill
- Howley
- Hubbard
- Hubertville
- Huddle Mill
- Hudson
- Huffman
- Hughes Loop
- Hughett
- Hughey
- Hull Mill
- Humboldt
- Hunnicutt Mill
- Hunter
- Hunters Point
- Huntersville
- Huntingdon
- Hunting Hills West
- Huntland
- Huntsville
- Hurley
- Huron
- Hurricane
- Hurricane Hill
- Hurricane Mills
- Hurst Mill
- Hustburg
- Hygeia Springs
- Hyndsver
- Iconium
- Idaho
- Idaville
- Ideal Valley
- Idlewild
- Idlewood Acres
- Idol
- Ilford
- Imperial Estates
- Independence
- India
- Indian Mound
- Inman
- Irish Cut
- Iron City
- Iron Hill
- Ironsburg
- Irving College
- Irwin
- Irwinton Shores
- Isabella
- Isbell
- Isham
- Isom
- Ivy
- Ivy Bluff
- Ivydell
- Ivyton
- Jacksboro
- Jacks Creek
- Jackson
- Jackson Range Station
- Jacksonville
- Jalapa
- Jamestown
- Jarrell
- Jasper
- Jaybird
- Jeannette
- Jearoldstown
- Jefferson
- Jefferson City
- Jefferson Springs
- Jellico
- Jena
- Jenkins Mill
- Jenkins Village
- Jenkinsville
- Jeremiah
- Jernigan Town
- Jerusalem
- Jessie
- Jewell
- Jewett
- Jimtown
- John Sevier
- Johnson City
- Johnsons Chapel
- Johnsons Crossroads
- Johnsons Grove
- Johnsons Mill
- Johnsonville
- Johntown
- Jones
- Jonesborough
- Jones Cove
- Jones Mill
- Jonestown
- Jones Valley
- Jonesville
- Joppa
- Jumbo
- Juno
- Kahite
- Kalida
- Kansas
- Kansas City
- Karns
- Kaywood
- Kedron
- Keebler Crossroads
- Keefe
- Keeling
- Keenburg
- Keister
- Kellertown
- Kelso
- Keltonburg
- Kempville
- Kenneytown
- Kenton
- Kepler
- Kerrville
- Ketchen
- Ketner Mill
- Kettle Mills
- Keyes Point
- Keys Mill
- Khotan
- Kidwell
- Kilsyth
- Kimball
- Kimberlin Heights
- Kimbrough Crossroad
- Kimery
- Kimmins
- Kincaid
- Kincheloe Mill
- Kinderhook
- King Arthur Court
- Kingfield
- Kingsley Station
- Kingsport
- Kings Ridge
- Kingston
- Kingston Heights
- Kingston Hills
- Kingston Springs
- Kingston Woods
- Kinneys
- Kinzel Springs
- Kirby
- Kirk
- Kirkland
- Kirkstall
- Kirkwood
- Kiser
- Kissling Crossing
- Kitchens
- Kittrell
- Kleburne
- Klondike
- Knob Creek
- Knob Creek Mill
- Knox Park
- Knoxville
- Kodak
- Ko Ko
- Kyles Ford
- Laconia
- Lacy
- Laddie Village
- Ladds
- Lafayette
- LaFollette
- La Follette
- La Grange
- Laguardo
- Lake-A-Wana
- Lake City
- Lake Crest
- Lake Drive
- Lakeharbor
- Lake Harbor Estates
- Lake Hills
- Lakeland
- Lakemont
- Lakemont Cabin Area
- Lakemoore
- Lakemoor Hills
- Lakeshore Estates
- Lakeside
- Lakeside Park
- Lakesite
- Lake Tansi
- Lake Tullahoma Estates
- Lakeview
- Lakeview Estates
- Lakeview Manor
- Lakewood
- Lakewood Park
- Lakewood Village
- Lambert
- Lamont
- Lamontville
- Lancaster
- Lancaster Hill
- Lancelot Acres
- Lanceville
- Lancing
- Landmark
- Lane
- Laneview
- Lanier
- Lankford Town
- Lansdell Park
- Lantana
- Lanton
- Lapata
- Largo
- Lascassas
- Latham
- Laurel
- Laurel Bloomery
- Laurel Bluff
- Laurel Brook
- Laurelburg
- Laurel Fork
- Laurel Grove
- Laurel Hill
- La Vergne
- Lavinia
- Law
- Law Chapel
- Lawnville
- Lawrence
- Lawrenceburg
- Lawson Crossroad
- Lawson Mill
- Lazy Acres
- Leach
- Leadvale
- Leanna
- Leapwood
- Lea Springs
- Leatherwood
- Lebanon
- Ledbetter
- Leesburg
- Lees Station
- Lee Valley
- Leeville
- Leftwich
- Legate
- Leighton
- Leinarts
- Leipers Fork
- Lenoir City
- Lenow
- Lenox
- Leoma
- Leonardtown
- Leoni
- Lesters
- Lewisburg
- Lewis Lane
- Lewis Store
- Lexie
- Lexie Crossroads
- Lexington
- Liberty
- Liberty Grove
- Liberty Hill
- Lick Creek
- Licklog
- Lickskillet
- Life
- Lightfoot
- Lillamay
- Lillard Mill
- Lillydale
- Lily Grove
- Limestone
- Limestone Cove
- Linary
- Lincoln
- Linden
- Lindsay Mill
- Liners
- Line Spring
- Link
- Linsdale
- Lipe
- Lisbon
- Little Barren
- Little Cherokee
- Little Cove
- Little Crab
- Little Creek
- Little Doe
- Little Emory
- Little Hope
- Littlelot
- Little Milligan
- Little River
- Little Rock Mills
- Little White Oak
- Litton
- Lively
- Liverworth
- Livesay Mill
- Livingston
- Lobelville
- Locke
- Lockertsville
- Lockes Mill
- Locust Grove
- Locust Mount
- Locust Springs
- Lodi
- Lofton
- Lomax Crossroads
- London
- Lone Mountain
- Lone Oak
- Lone Star
- Lonewood
- Long Branch
- Long Creek
- Long Hollow
- Long Island
- Long Rock
- Longs Bend
- Longtown
- Longview
- Lookout Mountain
- Loretto
- Lorraine
- Lost Creek
- Loudon
- Loudon City Park
- Louise
- Louisville
- Lovejoy
- Lovelace
- Love Lady
- Lovell
- Lovell Heights
- Love Station
- Lovetown
- Lower Holly Creek
- Lower Mill
- Lower Mockeson
- Lowryville
- Luckett
- Lucky
- Lucy
- Lulaville
- Luminary
- Luna
- Luray
- Lusk
- Luskville
- Luther
- Luttrell
- Lutts
- Lyles
- Lynchburg
- Lynn
- Lynn Garden
- Lynnville
- Macedonia
- Macon
- Maddox
- Madge
- Madie
- Madison Hall
- Madisonville
- Maggies Mill
- Magnolia
- Mahan Village
- Mahoney Mill
- Major
- Malesus
- Malone
- Maloneyville
- Manchester
- Manila
- Mankinville
- Manleyville
- Manring
- Mansfield
- Manson
- Maple Grove
- Maple Hill
- Maplehurst
- Maples
- Maple Spring
- Marbledale
- Marble Hill
- Marbleton
- Marbuts
- Marguerite
- Marimont
- Marion
- Marlow
- Marmor
- Marrowbone
- Marshall
- Marshall Hill
- Mars Hill
- Martel
- Martel Estates
- Martha
- Martin
- Martins Mills
- Martin Springs
- Marvin
- Mary Chapel
- Marys Grove
- Maryville
- Mascot
- Mashburn
- Mason
- Mason Grove
- Mason Hall
- Mason Springs
- Massengill Mill
- Masseyville
- Match
- Matlock Ford
- Maury City
- Maxey
- Maxwell
- May Acres
- Mayday
- Mayland
- Maymead
- Maynardville
- Mayview Heights
- McAllister Hill
- McAllisters Crossroads
- McBurg
- McCains
- McCloud
- McClures Bend
- McCoinsville
- McConnell
- McCookville
- McCutchen Heights
- McDaniel
- McDonald
- McDonald Hill
- McElroy
- McEwen
- McFarland
- McGeetown
- McGhee
- McGlamery Stand
- McHarg
- McIllwain
- McKenzie
- McKinley
- McKinnon
- McKnight
- McLemoresville
- McMahan
- McMillan
- McMinnville
- McMullens
- McNairy
- McPheeter Bend
- Meacham
- Meades Quarry
- Meadorville
- Meadow
- Meadow Branch
- Meadowbrook
- Mecca
- Medford
- Medina
- Medon
- Meigs Cabin Area
- Melbourne
- Melrose
- Melville
- Melvine
- Memphis
- Mengelwood
- Mentor
- Mercer
- Meridian
- Metal Ford
- Michie
- Middlebrook Acres
- Middleburg
- Middle City
- Middle Creek
- Middle Fork
- Middle Settlement
- Middleton
- Middle Valley
- Middle Valley Estates
- Midfields
- Midland
- Midtown
- Midtown Heights
- Midvale
- Midway
- Mifflin
- Milan
- Milburnton
- Miles Crossroads
- Mill Brook
- Mill Creek
- Milldale
- Milledgeville
- Miller
- Miller Cove
- Miller Flats
- Millersville
- Millertown
- Millican Grove
- Millington
- Mill Seat
- Millsfield
- Mill Spring
- Millstone
- Milltown
- Millview
- Millville
- Milo
- Milton
- Mimosa
- Mimosa Estates
- Mimosa Heights
- Mineral Park
- Mineral Springs
- Minersville
- Minnick
- Minor Hill
- Mint
- Minton Mill
- Miser Station
- Mission Oaks
- Miston
- Mitchell
- Mitchell Springs
- Mitchellville
- Mixie
- Mobra
- Moccasin
- Mockingbird Hill
- Moffatt
- Mohawk
- Mohawk Crossroad
- Mole
- Molino
- Mona
- Monoville
- Monroe
- Montague
- Monteagle
- Monterey
- Montezuma
- Montgomery
- Montvale
- Moodyville
- Mooney
- Mooneyham
- Moons
- Mooresburg
- Mooresburg Springs
- Moores Camp
- Moores Chapel
- Mooresville
- Mooring
- Moorman
- Moralfa
- Morgan Springs
- Morganton
- Morgantown
- Morley
- Morrell Mill
- Morris Chapel
- Morrison
- Morrison City
- Morrison Creek
- Morristown
- Morton Hill
- Moscow
- Mosheim
- Moshina Heights
- Moss
- Mossy Spring
- Motch
- Mountain City
- Mountain View
- Mount Airy
- Mount Ararat
- Mount Carmel
- Mount Crest
- Mount Denson
- Mount Gilead
- Mount Harmony
- Mount Herman
- Mount Hope
- Mount Horeb
- Mount Joy
- Mount Juliet
- Mount Lebanon
- Mount Moriah
- Mount Nebo
- Mount Olive
- Mount Orange
- Mount Pelia
- Mount Pisgah
- Mount Pleasant
- Mount Tabor
- Mount Tucker Addition
- Mount Union
- Mount Vernon
- Mount View
- Mount Vinson
- Mount Zion
- Mowbray Mountain
- Mowls Mill
- Mud Creek
- Muddy Pond
- Mudsink
- Mudville
- Mulberry
- Mule Hollow
- Mulloy
- Munford
- Murfreesboro
- Murphy Mill
- Murray Store
- Murrelltown
- Myers
- Nameless
- Nance
- Nankipoo
- Napier
- Nash
- Nashville
- Nauvoo
- Neapolis
- Neboville
- Needmore
- Neely
- Neely Crossroads
- Neil
- Nemo
- Neptune
- Neubert
- Neva
- Newbern
- New Bethel
- New Boston
- New Canton
- Newcastle
- Newcomb
- New Corinth
- New Deal
- New Dellrose
- Newell Station
- New Enterprise
- New Era
- New Harmony
- New Haven
- New Herman
- New Hope
- New Johnsonville
- New Loyston
- Newmansville
- New Market
- New Markham
- New Middleton
- New Midway
- Newport
- New Prospect
- New Providence
- New River
- New Safford
- New Salem
- New Tazewell
- Newton
- New Town
- New Union
- New Victory
- New Zion
- Nickletown
- Ninemile
- Niota
- Nixon
- Noah
- Nobles
- Nolensville
- Nonaburg
- Norene
- Norma
- Normandy
- Norris
- Norris Park
- Northbrook
- North Cleveland
- Northcott
- Northcutts Cove
- North Liberty
- Northpoint
- Northshore Estates
- Northshore Woods
- North Springs
- Northwoods
- Norwood
- Notchy Creek
- Nough
- Nubia
- Nunnelly
- Nutbush
- Oak City
- Oakdale
- Oakfield
- Oak Grove
- Oak Grove Heights
- Oak Hill
- Oak Hill North
- Oak Hills Estates
- Oakland
- Oakley
- Oak Plains
- Oak Ridge
- Oakview
- Oakwood
- Obey City
- Obion
- Ocana
- Ocoee
- Odd Fellows Hall
- Offset
- Offutt
- Ogden
- Okalona
- Okolona
- Okra
- Old Antioch
- Old Cumberland
- Olde Mill
- Old Englewood
- Old Fields Place
- Oldfort
- Old Fremont
- Old Glory
- Oldham
- Old Lawton
- Old Middleton
- Old Patty
- Old Salem
- Old Springville
- Old Sweetwater
- Oldtown
- Old Washington
- Old Winesap
- Old Zion
- Olive Branch
- Olivehill
- Oliver Springs
- Olivet
- Oneida
- Only
- Ooltewah
- Opossum
- Opossum Creek Pines
- Oral
- Orchard View
- Orebank
- Ore Springs
- Orgains Crossroads
- Orlinda
- Orme
- Orrs
- Orysa
- Osage
- Oslin
- Ostella
- Oswego
- Otes
- Ottinger
- Ottway
- Overall
- Overton
- Ovilla
- Ovoca
- Owl City
- Owl Hoot
- Oxmore Hills
- Ozone
- Pactolus
- Padgett Mill
- Pailo
- Paine Spring
- Painter Spring
- Paint Rock
- Palestine
- Pall Mall
- Palmer
- Palmersville
- Palmetto
- Palmyra
- Pandora
- Pan Gap
- Papaw
- Paris
- Parkburg
- Park City
- Parker
- Parker Crossroads
- Parker Ford
- Parker's Crossroads
- Park Grove
- Park Settlement
- Parkshore Estates
- Park Station
- Parksville
- Parkview
- Parragon
- Parrottsville
- Parry
- Parsons
- Pate Hill
- Patterson
- Patterson Crossroads
- Patterson Mill
- Pattersonville
- Patty
- Paulette
- Pawpaw Plains
- Payne Cove
- Paynes Store
- Peabody
- Peach
- Peak
- Peakland
- Pea Ridge
- Pearl City
- Peavine
- Pebble Hill
- Peckerwood Point
- Pedigo
- Peeled Chestnut
- Peewee
- Pegram
- Pelham
- Pennine
- Pennington Chapel
- Peppertown
- Perrin Hollow
- Perryville
- Persia
- Petersburg
- Peters Mill
- Petros
- Pettyjohn Mill
- Petway
- Peytona
- Peytonsville
- Phiferes
- Philadelphia
- Philippi
- Phillippy
- Phillips
- Phipps Bend
- Piedmont
- Pierce
- Pierce Station
- Pigeon Forge
- Pigeon Roost
- Pikeville
- Pillowville
- Pilot Knob
- Pilot Mountain
- Pine Creek
- Pine Crest
- Pine Grove
- Pine Haven
- Pine Hill
- Pine Orchard
- Pine Ridge
- Pine Springs
- Pine Top
- Pinetree Estates
- Pine View
- Pineville
- Pinewood
- Piney
- Piney Flats
- Piney Grove
- Piney Shores Estates
- Piney Woods
- Pinhook
- Pinkney
- Pinnacle
- Pinson
- Pioneer
- Pioneer Village
- Piperton
- Pisgah
- Pittman Center
- Plain Grove
- Plainview
- Plainview Heights
- Plant
- Plateau
- Pleasant Garden
- Pleasant Grove
- Pleasant Hill
- Pleasant Hills
- Pleasant Point
- Pleasant Ridge
- Pleasant Shade
- Pleasant Vale
- Pleasant Valley
- Pleasant View
- Pleasantville
- Pocahontas
- Poga
- Point Pleasant
- Polecat
- Polk
- Pollard
- Pollards Mill
- Pomona
- Pomona Road
- Pond
- Ponderosa
- Ponderosa Hills
- Ponders
- Pond Grove
- Pond Hill
- Pondville
- Poor
- Pope
- Poplar
- Poplar Creek
- Poplar Grove
- Poplar Hill
- Poplar Ridge
- Poplar Springs
- Poplar Top
- Poplins Crossroads
- Porter
- Porterfield
- Porter Gap
- Porters
- Portland
- Port Royal
- Port Serena
- Postelle
- Postoak
- Pottsville
- Powder Springs
- Powell
- Powell Heights
- Powells Crossroads
- Powers
- Prairie Creek
- Prairie Peninsula
- Prairie Plains
- Presbytery Camp
- Presley Ridge
- Primm Springs
- Probst
- Proctor City
- Promise
- Prospect
- Prosperity
- Protemus
- Providence
- Pruden
- Pulaski
- Pumpkintown
- Puncheon Camp
- Purdy
- Pursley
- Puryear
- Pyburn
- Quebeck
- Quercus
- Quincy
- Quito
- Raccoon Valley
- Rader
- Radmoor
- Rafter
- Ragsdale
- Raines
- Rally Hill
- Ralston
- Ramah
- Ramer
- Ramsey
- Randolph
- Range
- Rankin
- Rankin Cove
- Ransom Stand
- Rarity Bay
- Rascal Town
- Rather
- Raulstontown
- Raus
- Raven Branch
- Ravenscroft
- Rays
- Raysville
- Readyville
- Reagan
- Red Ash
- Red Bank
- Red Boiling Springs
- Red Hill
- Red Oak
- Red Row
- Red Sulphur Springs
- Red Walnut
- Redwine
- Reeders Crossing
- Reesetown
- Reeves
- Rehoboth
- Reliance
- Remy
- Rennbore
- Reubensville
- Revilo
- Rheatown
- Rhyan Springs
- Rialto
- Rice Bend
- Riceville
- Rich
- Richard City
- Richardson Cove
- Richardsons
- Rich Creek
- Richland
- Richmond
- Richville
- Richwoods
- Rickman
- Riddles Store
- Riddleton
- Ridenour
- Ridgedale
- Ridge Lake North
- Ridgely
- Ridgeside
- Ridgetop
- Ridgeview
- Ridgeview Heights
- Ridgewood
- Ridley
- Riggs Crossroads
- Riley
- Rinnie
- Ripley
- Ritchie
- Ritta
- Riverdale
- River Heights
- River Hill
- River Hills
- River Oaks
- Riversburg
- Riverside
- Riverton
- River View
- Rives
- Roan Hill
- Roan Mountain
- Roaring Springs
- Roark Cove
- Robbins
- Roberts
- Robertson
- Robinson Crossroads
- Robinson Mill
- Robison
- Roby
- Rock Bridge
- Rock City
- Rockdale
- Rockford
- Rock Haven
- Rock Hill
- Rock House
- Rock Island
- Rockland
- Rockledge
- Rockport
- Rock Springs
- Rockvale
- Rockville
- Rockwood
- Rockwood Hill
- Rocky Branch
- Rocky Fork
- Rocky Grove
- Rocky Mound
- Rocky Point
- Rocky Ridge
- Rocky Spring
- Rocky Top
- Roddy
- Rodemer
- Roe
- RoEllen
- Rogana
- Rogers
- Rogers Creek
- Rogers Springs
- Rogersville
- Rolling Brook
- Rolling Hills
- Rome
- Romeo
- Roneys Store
- Rose Creek
- Rosedale
- Rose Hill
- Rosemark
- Roseville
- Roslin
- Rosser
- Rossview
- Rossville
- Rotherwood
- Rotherwood Hills
- Rough Point
- Round Pond
- Round Top
- Routon
- Rover
- Rowland
- Roy
- Royal Blue
- Royal Oaks
- Rozells Mill
- Ruby Falls
- Rucker
- Rudderville
- Rudolph
- Rugby
- Ruppertown
- Rural Hill
- Rural Vale
- Rushy Springs
- Ruskin
- Russell Crossroad
- Russell Crossroads
- Russell Fork
- Russell Hill
- Russell Mill
- Russellville
- Rutherford
- Ruthledge Hill
- Ruthton
- Ruthville
- Rutledge
- Rutledge Falls
- Ryall Springs
- Sadie
- Sadler
- Sadlersville
- Safley
- Saint Andrews
- Saint Bethlehem
- Saint Clair
- Saint James
- Saint John
- Saint Joseph
- Saint Marys
- Saint Paul
- Sainville
- Sal City
- Sale Creek
- Salem
- Saltillo
- Salt Lick
- Samburg
- Sampson
- Sandhill
- Sandlick
- Sand Ridge
- Sand Springs
- Sand Switch
- Sandy
- Sandy Hook
- Sandy Lane
- Sandy Point
- Sandy Ridge
- Sandy Springs
- Sanford
- Sanford Hill
- Sango
- Santa Fe
- Saratoga Springs
- Sardis
- Saulsbury
- Saundersville
- Savannah
- Sawdust
- Sawyers Mill
- Scaife
- Scandlyn
- Scarboro
- Scattersville
- Scenic Point Estates
- Scoot Mill
- Scott
- Scott Hill
- Scotts Hill
- Scotts Mill
- Screamer
- Scribner
- Seaton Spring
- Sebowisha
- Seeber Flats
- Selmer
- Sengtown
- Sentertown
- Sentinel Heights
- Sequatchie
- Sequoia Grove
- Sequoyah Estates
- Sequoyah Heights
- Sequoyah Hills
- Serles
- Servilla
- Seth
- Seven Cedars
- Seven Islands
- Sevenoaks
- Sevier Home
- Sevierville
- Sewanee
- Sewee
- Sexton
- Seymour
- Seymour Heights
- Shackle Island
- Shacklett
- Shaddon Mill
- Shadrick Hill
- Shady Acres
- Shady Grove
- Shady Hill
- Shady Rest
- Shady Valley
- Shallowford
- Shandy
- Shannon Hills
- Sharon
- Sharondale
- Sharp Place
- Sharps Chapel
- Sharpsville
- Shaver Town
- Shaw
- Shawanee
- Shawnette
- Shelbyville
- Shelbyville Mills
- Shell Creek
- Shellsford
- Shepherd
- Shepp
- Sherril Heights
- Sherrilltown
- Sherwood
- Sherwood Estates
- Sheybogan
- Shiloh
- Shingletown
- Shipetown
- Shirley
- Shirleyton
- Shofner
- Shooks
- Shooks Gap
- Shop Springs
- Shore Acres
- Short Creek
- Shouns
- Shubert
- Siam
- Sibley
- Sidonia
- Siglo
- Signal Hills
- Signal Mountain
- Silerton
- Silica
- Siloam
- Silvacola
- Silver City
- Silver Creek
- Silverdale
- Silver Grove
- Silver Hill
- Silver Lake
- Silver Point
- Silver Ridge
- Silver Springs
- Silvertop
- Sims Ridge
- Sims Spring
- Singleton
- Sitka
- Sixmile
- Skaggston
- Skinem
- Skinner Crossroad
- Skullbone
- Skyline Park
- Slatestone
- Slayden
- Slick Rock
- Sloanville
- Smarden
- Smartt
- Smithfield
- Smithland
- Smith Shoals Subdivision
- Smithtown
- Smithville
- Smoky View Estates
- Smyrna
- Sneedville
- Snodgrass
- Snow Hill
- Snows Hill
- Soddy
- Soddy-Daisy
- Soddy Lake Heights
- Solo
- Solway
- Somerville
- Southall
- South Berlin
- South Carthage
- South Cleveland
- South Dyersburg
- South Fork
- South Fulton
- South Liberty
- South Pittsburg
- Southport
- Southside
- South Tunnel
- Sowell Ford
- Spanish Trails
- Sparkman
- Sparta
- Speck
- Speedwell
- Speiden
- Spencer
- Spencer Hill
- Spencers Mill
- Spivey
- Spot
- Spout Springs
- Spring City
- Spring Creek
- Springdale
- Springers Station
- Springfield
- Spring Hill
- Spring Place
- Springvale
- Spring Valley
- Springville
- Spruce Pine
- Spurgeon
- Squirrel Flat
- Stacy
- Staffords Store
- Staffordtown
- Stainville
- Stakely Mill
- Stanfill
- Stanton
- Stantonville
- Starkeytown
- Star Point
- Statesville
- Static
- Staunton Mill
- Stayton
- Stegall
- Stella
- Stephens
- Stephenson
- Sterling Park
- Stewart
- Stewart Hill
- Stinger
- Stinking Creek
- Stiversville
- St. Joseph
- Stock Creek
- Stockton
- Stokes
- Stokes Mill
- Stone
- Stonebrook
- Stonewall
- Stony Point
- Stowers
- Strahl
- Strauss Mill
- Strawberry Plains
- Striggersville
- Stringtown
- Stroudville
- Suburban Hills
- Sugar Creek
- Sugar Grove
- Sugar Hill
- Sugarlimb
- Sugar Tree
- Suggs Creek
- Sullivan Gardens
- Sulphur
- Sulphura
- Sulphur Springs
- Sumac
- Summer City
- Summerfield
- Summersville
- Summertown
- Summit
- Summitville
- Sunbright
- Sunkist Beach
- Sunnyhill
- Sunnyside
- Sunrise
- Sunset
- Sunset Hills
- Surgoinsville
- Surprise
- Susong
- Sutherland
- Swan Bluff
- Swannsylvania
- Sweetgum
- Sweet Lips
- Sweetwater
- Swift
- Sycamore
- Sycamore Swamp
- Sycamore Valley
- Sykes
- Sylco
- Sylvia
- Tabernacle
- Tabor
- Tackett Creek
- Taft
- Talbott
- Tallassee
- Talley
- Tampico
- Tanglewood
- Tan Rara Oesta
- Tantallon
- Tara Estates
- Tariffville
- Tarlton
- Tarpley
- Tarsus
- Tasso
- Tate
- Tate Springs
- Tatesville
- Tatumville
- Taylor Crossroads
- Taylor Hill
- Taylor Mill
- Taylors
- Taylors Crossing
- Taylors Crossroads
- Taylorsville
- Taylortown
- Tazewell
- Teague
- Tekoa
- Telford
- Tellico Plains
- Tellico Village
- Temperance Hall
- Temple Acres
- Templeton
- Templow
- Ten Mile
- Tennemo
- Tennessee City
- Tennessee Ridge
- Terrace View
- Terrell
- Terry
- Terry Creek
- Terry Estates
- Tharpe
- The Crossroads
- Theodore
- Theta
- The Wye
- The Y
- Thick
- Third Creek
- Thomas
- Thomas Addition
- Thomas Springs
- Thomasville
- Thompson Crossroads
- Thompson Mill
- Thompsons Crossroads
- Thompson's Station
- Thompsons Store
- Thorn Grove
- Thorn Hill
- Thornton
- Three Forks
- Three Oaks
- Three Point
- Three Points
- Three Way
- Throckmorton
- Thula
- Thurman
- Tibbs
- Tidwell
- Tiger Tail
- Tiger Valley
- Tigrett
- Tilghman
- Timberlake
- Timber Ridge
- Timesville
- Timothy
- Tin Cup
- Tioga
- Tiprell
- Tipton
- Tiptonville
- Tiptop
- Titus
- Tobaccoport
- Todd Town
- Tolley Town
- Tom Town
- Toomy
- Toone
- Topside
- Topsy
- Toqua
- Torbet
- Tottys Bend
- Toulon
- Towee
- Town Creek
- Townsend
- Tracy City
- Trade
- Trails West
- Tranquillity
- Travisville
- Treadway
- Treeville
- Tremont
- Trenton
- Trent Valley
- Trentville
- Trezevant
- Trigg
- Trigonia
- Trimble
- Trinity
- Triune
- Trousdale
- Troy
- Trundle Crossroad
- Tuckers Crossroads
- Tullahoma
- Tulu
- Tumbling
- Tupper Town
- Turkeyfoot
- Turkey Track
- Turley
- Turners Station
- Turnersville
- Turtletown
- Tusculum
- Twin Oak
- Twin Oaks
- Twinton
- Two Chestnut
- Twomey
- Tylersville
- Tyson Store
- Unaka Springs
- Underwood
- Unicoi
- Union
- Union Central
- Union City
- Union Cross
- Union Grove
- Union Heights
- Union Hill
- Union Ridge
- Union Temple
- Union Valley
- Unionville
- Unitia
- Unity
- University View
- Upchurch
- Upper Holly Creek
- Upper Mockeson
- Upper Shady
- Upper Shell Creek
- Upper Sinking
- Upper Windrock
- Uptonville
- Utah
- Vale
- Valley Creek
- Valley Forge
- Valley View
- Valley View Heights
- Valleyview Subdivision
- Van Buren
- Vance
- Vancel Mill
- Vandever
- Van Dyke
- Van Hill
- Vanleer
- Vannatta
- Vanntown
- Vardy
- Vasper
- Vaughns Grove
- Venable Spring
- Verdun
- Vernon
- Vernon Heights
- Verona
- Versailles
- Vervilla
- Vesta
- Vestal
- Viar
- Victoria
- Victory
- Vildo
- Village Green
- Vine
- Vinegar Hill
- Vine Ridge
- Vinta Mill
- Viola
- Virtue
- Volunteer Heights
- Vonore
- Voorhies
- Vulcan
- Waco
- Waconda Point
- Wade
- Walden
- Waldens Creek
- Waldensia
- Wales
- Walkertown
- Walland
- Walling
- Walnut Grove
- Walnut Hill
- Walnut Log
- Walnut Shade
- Walter Crossroad
- Walterhill
- Wa-Ni Village
- Ware Branch
- Warren
- Warrens Bluff
- Warrensburg
- Wartburg
- Wartrace
- Warwicktown
- Washburn
- Washington College
- Washington Heights
- Wasp
- Watauga
- Watauga Flats
- Water Fork Mill
- Waterloo
- Watertown
- Water Valley
- Waterville
- Watkins
- Watson
- Watts Bar Estates
- Waucheesi
- Waverly
- Waycross
- Wayland Springs
- Waynesboro
- Weakley
- Wear Valley
- Weaver
- Webber City
- Webbs Jungle
- Webbtown
- Webster
- Wedgewood Hills
- Welch Camp
- Welch Crossroad
- Welchland
- Wellsville
- Wellwood
- Wesleyanna
- West
- Westavia Woods
- Westborough
- Westbourne
- West Cyruston
- Westel
- West Emory
- West End
- West End Heights
- West Forest
- West Harpeth
- West Haven
- West Hills
- West Hima
- Westlyn
- West Maryville
- West Mill
- Westmoreland
- West Myers
- West Oneida
- Westover
- Westpoint
- Westport
- West Robbins
- West Shiloh
- Westside
- West Union
- West View
- Westwood
- Westwood Estates
- Westwood Hills
- Westwood Homes
- Wetmore
- Wheel
- Wheelerton
- Whispering Hills
- Whitaker
- White Bluff
- White City
- White Fern
- Whitehead
- Whitehead Hill
- White Hill
- White Hollow
- White Horn
- White House
- White Oak
- White Oak Flat
- White Oaks
- White Pine
- White Rock
- Whitesand
- Whitesburg
- Whiteside
- White Station
- Whiteville
- Whitfield
- Whitleyville
- Whitlock
- Whitthorne
- Whitwell
- Wilbur
- Wilcox
- Wilder
- Wilder Chapel
- Wildersville
- Wildwood
- Wildwood Lake
- Wildwood Mill
- Wilhoite Mills
- Wilkinstown
- Wilkinsville
- Willard
- Willette
- Williams
- Williamsburg
- Williams Crossroads
- Williams Mill
- Williamsport
- Williams Springs
- Willis
- Willis Springs
- Williston
- Willow Grove
- Wills
- Wilson Hill
- Wilsonville
- Wilton Springs
- Winchester
- Winchester Springs
- Windle
- Windletown
- Windrock
- Windrow
- Windy City
- Winesap
- Winfield
- Wingo
- Winklers Crossroads
- Winner
- Winn Springs
- Winona
- Winslow
- Winton Town
- Wirmingham
- Withamtown
- Witt
- Wixtown
- Wolf Creek
- Wolf River
- Wolverine
- Womack
- Wood
- Woodbury
- Woodby Hill
- Wooddale
- Wooded Acres
- Woodfield Park
- Woodland
- Woodland Acres
- Woodland Heights
- Woodland Mills
- Woodlawn
- Woodmore
- Woodrow
- Woodstock
- Woods Valley
- Woodville
- Woody
- Woolardtown
- Wooldridge
- Woolworth
- Wright
- Wrigley
- Wyatts Chapel
- Wyatt Village
- Wynn
- Wynnburg
- Wyricktown
- Yager
- Yankeetown
- Yateston
- Yeary Mill
- Yell
- Yellow Creek
- Yellow Springs
- Yettland Park
- Yoakum Crossroad
- Yokley
- Yorkville
- Young Bend
- Youngs Crossing
- Youngville
- Yount Town
- Yukon
- Yuma
- Yum Yum
- Zacharytown
- Zenith
- Zion Grove
- Zion Hill