Title: Navigating Mobile, AL: A Primer on the Commercial Real Estate MarketWelcome to the heart of the Gulf Coast! Mobile, Alabama, is not only a cultural hub but also a burgeoning center for commercial real estate in...
The Unfolding Story of New Braunfels, Texas
New Braunfels has undergone a significant transformation, evolving from a tranquil town to a thriving suburb that magnetically attracts individuals from the larger urban ce...
Hi Everyone, I run an investment brokerage and development firm in Los Angeles and have lately been focusing on a few projects I have in LA county that would target entrepreneurial start ups in various commercial manu...
Very interesting... https://www.forbes.com/sites/chuckdevore/2019/06/27/workers-moving-from-san-francisco-to-austin-would-get-an-immediate-46-raise-due-to-less-regulation/#7ef0fb0f2d81
Is it me or is bBerlin the best market in Europe?Since the early 2000’s the Berlin real estate market has been the stage and incredible transformation, a strong growth supported by many factors. Rents and prices of re...
Does anyone invest in queens New York? If so can you share your story how you were able to invest there, I want to invest there but the prices are way up there. I am trying to use some creative financing but I need so...
Howdy - I'm an investor from California, looking to buy a mobile home park in Texas. There's a direct flight from Santa Barbara, CA to Dallas, TX, which allows me to invest out of state. Question to all you good-loo...