Attended a speech today by a couple Chines drywall specialists. It was heated at times but here is what was agreed on.
1. It is a mess.
2. There are NO guaranteed answers
3. We haven't even touched on the commercial p...
I've always seen wood fastened to concrete with a T-nailer, but lately I've seen furring strips and other wood fastened to concrete with round head nails. Any idea what type of nail gun these guys are using? I've had ...
Can a landlord restrict or prohibit a tenant possessing firearms in a rental unit, or on the common areas of rental property? Here is an interesting article about this question:
Im going to be buying my girlfriends son a handgun for his 21st birthday.
Before some of you get excited he is a very responsible man. My question is which type would you buy. I dont own one and this seems out ...
I'm a gun owner and I own "that" rifle and "those" magazines, but the Sandy Hook incident has changed my mind. It's not just guns, but guns are part of the picture and such needs to be addressed. I had teachers that h...
I believe that Tenants have the right to keep and bear arms. Is it appropriate as a landlord to mandate that a tenant have insurance such as LawShield, USCCA or AOR and to provide proof of such?
To property owners that do all repairs by them selves. I know this question is kind of impossible to answer exactly but some answers would be nice. My question is does anyone have a list of most or all the tools that ...
We finally got a good governor in Wisconsin (one of the last two states that do not allow conceal carry in the country). So I anticipate being able to conceal carry soon. Some questions for those of you who conceal ...
In these unprecedented times many can be left feeling stuck, not knowing what to or how to invest. Others fall into analysis paralysis waiting and anticipating the absolute best deal to come along only to miss out on ...
I am considering purchasing a small handgun for protection when going to look at properties in unfamiliar areas. Is this something I can write off at tax time as a business expense?