Hi All!Working on a rehab project in Downtown Nashville and having a bit of trouble coming up with an HVAC solution. Previous owner had wall units for heat and window units for AC. We pulled those out (all the previ...
What are the pros and cons of buying multiple rental properties in a single package deal, versus buying them one at a time?
Hello everyone, this is my first post on BiggerPockets and I wanted to ask some of your feedback on a deal I have been presented with here in MKE.... Ok so here’s the summary:16 properties with 21 doorsTotal cost ARV ...
Investment Info:
Small multi-family (2-4 units) buy & hold investment.
Purchase price: $160,000
Cash invested: $60,000
Purchased portfolio of four small homes on one street from two sellers. Use ...
Investment Info:
Single-family residence buy & hold investment in York.
Purchase price: $35,000
Cash invested: $3,200
Single family home I bought as a package deal with another property. I bought...
I have these two properties under contract both by the water. Both units worth easily over 260k; since its in great location I was thinking about rent them. But I may I have to relocate cause of my job, so I'm also t...
Investment Info:
Single-family residence buy & hold investment.
Purchase price: $16,500
Tenant occupied no work required. This was a nice deal. I got three of these in a single package deal.
Any input on a price to get attention for selling this portfolio would be appreciated ...(4) individual properties for sale; includes (3) single family homes and (1) condo.
Hi everyoneI just got a deal from 35 single family, separate properties, the numbers make sense for me, the finance the COC everything makes sense for me, but my question is what’s the downside from having separate si...
Investment Info:
Single-family residence buy & hold investment in Louisville.
Purchase price: $507,000
Cash invested: $97,000
John Dickinson
A partner and I bought a...