Hello BP! I'm so excited to have finally filled out my first draft of my profile and I'm ready to dive into the forums. My history as an investor starts with developing communities (out of foam box inserts) for my Bar...
Good morning Guys,
My name is Terrance Nixon, I’m 26 years young and I’m looking for sound and detailed mentorship. I️ know Philadelphia has a lot to offer as far as great minds that are established and successful i...
Hi, And good Morning all. I have a question, It might seem confusing, I know have a lot to learn but I am new to investing and I feel like I am in a sticky situation because I live with my mom and my wife and child. M...
Greetings, My name is Cary Adair out of Memphis Tn attempting to Start wholesaling properties. I’m looking to connect with potential investors and like minded individuals nationwide on the same path to guide one ano...
Thats right, my new home has been this web site most of today ever since I found it this morning. I feel I already know about two dozen of you just from spending hours reading your posts.
Anyway My names Steve, Hello ...
Hey everyone, my name is Adam. Over the past couple of months, I have been studying and learning the real estate game. It’s a lot to learn, but I’ve been trying to take it all in. I focus solely on subto, seller finan...
Good Morning everyone. I am a total newbie when it comes to Real Estate. I actually just bought my first house for my family, but have always been interested in learning real estate. Fix and Flips, Rentals, and such.I...
I've had a long time passion for real estate investing. Problem is I have zero funds to invest. I'm also a new beginner, so I have a lot to learn. I figure the best and only way I know how to get started is to become ...
Yo BP, I closed on a house the other day, but at the same time the foreclosing trustee was auctioning off the house at the courthouse steps in Virginia. I know, this is weird. Apparently the listing agent didn't thi...
Hey good morning everyone! I'm interested analyzing deals for multifamily homes in the Waldorf (20603) or surrounding areas (specifically Clinton and White Plains)(20695).