What is everyone using to display property info to potential investors? Looking for a sexy brochure template with pictures, data, and maybe some colorful graphs that I can export as a PDF and send to investors for 10+...
Fundamentals: A Philosophy for Success in Life and Real Estate
Note: This article was written in collaboration with ChatGPT, an AI large language model, and reflects the philosophy and opinions of the author, Aaro...
After reading the book of the millionaire real estate investor by Gary Keller, where it says to track your net worth frequently, I started few months ago to track my net worth and see it how it performs during time. I...
Ours range from 8K when we first started 5 years ago to about 30K for recent flips.Averages about 18K-20K. This is net, after all selling costs.
I am currently researching the different issues that investors have with contractors so I can come up with a solution to help resolve the issues. Can you please take a second and just give me a line or two on issues y...