Would it be wise for me to trade in my 2001 Camry that I have no payments on, and get a car that qualifies for Uber in order to earn extra cash for investing? I'm thinking as long as i'm cash flowing by earning more ...
My goal is to stand out as the one with leadership DNA, applying my knowledge of Real Estate Investing. How we make money work and become financially independent. I have Ideas but what good are ideas if I don’t execut...
Thought it would be a cool idea to share how you earn or save extra money, no matter how large or small....to help make our pockets bigger. I think finances is an area one can always improve on....might as well learn ...
Besides listening to audio books, reading books and networking events. What’s the slow but gradual way to starting earning extra income Via real estate? Im a car sales person so my time is limited to one day off. I’m ...
What jobs would have great potential for time, money, and to invest in real estate?
I live in LA and have super cheap rent. $400/month. I'm getting married in 2 years and when I move in with my future husband, whether it's a home we buy or an apartment we rent, my cost of living will increase signifi...
Are there any successes out there buying properties at auction. I have tried to fight that battle before and I feel like a bidding war is just somethign to not entagle yourself into. Maybe there is someone picking up ...
Below is a list of interesting ways we've been able to up our earning potential on our properties. These are in no particular order. Does anyone have any other good tricks to suggest? If the building is multi-famil...
Hello All,I’ve read a lot about staying away from D class neighborhoods. I’m curious to know who invests in those types of neighborhoods and how have your experience been with collecting rents during this situation. I...