What direction would you go. Pay off 18k in student loan debt all around 4-6% interest, or put that money towards a down payment on a investment property to generate some cash flow, then pay off the loan while also bu...
As a new investor looking for land in the 50k range should I stay away from property w/no road access? Sounds like a no brainer but land is so much cheaper and hard to ignore. I am also looking for do's and don'ts of ...
Nancy Pelosi is at it again. She wants to call congress back in session after the elections so she can give away more money that we don't have. Enough already!
Sourcing opinions here:Tenant signs lease, gives 1 month deposit, cancels lease 3 days prior to moving in. Lease calls for 2 months liquidated damages upon cancellation. Keep deposit I currently have or be nice and re...
How have you chosen if you want to do a flip or rental? Do you typically decide before starting the project or after the house has been rehabbed? And is the type of rehabbing different depending on if it is a rental o...
Hi All,
I've got around $300K liquid. There are so many ideas out there, I'm not sure where to start. Ideally, I'd look to pick up cash flow positive properties that wouldn't drop too badly in a crash. I think my ...
A buddy of mine with little income has inherited $2 million.
what would be some good moves in terms of investing it all in real estate?
Do you think it would be a good idea or even possible use the money as a ...
Let's have a little fun and possibly learn something about ourselves:The Green Button is a guaranteed $1M wired into your account today.The Red Button gives you a 50/50 chance at $100M being wired into your account to...
Hearing horror stories of getting bad renters out and the damages they do to the home, I'm intimidated to rent out my home and proceed with buying a new home to live in and update. Those who have had experience, were...
As an investor, is it a "must have" to have a business name?