Does anyone know a good settlement company who knows investor deals in Northern Virginia? Preferably near Fairfax?Thanks!
So, I know this isn't related to real estate, but it does deal with taxes and investing, so I figured some of you guys would have some good suggestions.
Someone I know was in a car accident and he will be receiving a...
August 2020
Violated NRS 645.230(1) and NRS 645.235(l )(a) by acting as $100,000 fine a real estate broker or salesperson in the State of Nevadawithout a license issued by the Division.
My mortgage company erred in its flood hazard investigation - issued me an "all clear" as not being in a flood hazard zone. Turns out the house is in a flood hazard - they had ordered a certificate for the wrong addre...
Folks, I have received a "settlement statement" that lists estimated closing costs that the buyer has to pay. I questioned some of these charges and got the lender (loan officer) to agree that they should be removed. ...
when you settle the deal at the title company is your buyer, seller, and the wholesaler there at the same time?