I have been here a few weeks and love reading the threads but am having trouble navigating around and figuring out how to do anything.
How come some people don't have a follow button? For example Ryan...
I am looking for advice on how to approach starting up a website to lead buyers/sellers/and investors. Would it be beneficial to have two different sites for buyers and sellers? Also, when it comes to information for ...
Anyone out there dove into Facebook and Instagram Ads? I hear a lot about Facebook Ads but Instagram has recently caught on to the trend. I have had a good experience with Instagram Ads on the receiving end - just wan...
As the title says, I have no idea how to post in the local real estate forums. Have a market specific question. Any help is appreciated.Thank!
I just wanted to share a quick tip for PPC.
So I have used PPC before but last month I upped my budget and decided to go full force at attracting motivated buyers. I am currently using Google Adwords and Bin...
I've checked my web statistics for google analytics and I'm not seeing any click throughs from BiggerPockets. Any clicks I get seem to be coming up as visitors directly accessing my site by typing in the web address....
Hello everyone. My name is Terica Johnson, I'm from Essex County NJ and I'm brand new to the site and to REI. I'm here to get a much info and make as many connections as possible. I want to establish myself as a whol...
I noticed prior to the latest BP update you could @message anyone on the website. This allowed you to call forth people of expertise into a thread for their input. For example if it was a probate thread I could do ...
Folks,For rental units which flooring you have been using which is economical and last long for following area? RoomsFamily room and living roomsWashroomsKitchen
seems like i'm getting less emails on replies in topics that i've posted in, and less new topics to comment in as well...does anyone else think it looks like activity has slowed down a bit lately? i could be wrong, b...