You've done it! The postcards, the cold calls, the schmoozing with brokers - it's paid off. You've got your first mobile home park deal (mhp) under contract.Now comes the fun... wait fun? Okay, there's not much fun ab...
Hi, kind of long story here, but I am looking for ideas on how to approach and structure purchasing a property from my Dad and his siblings as my grandmother recently passed away and they are talking about selling the...
I find myself with a unique problem. I recently chose to not extend an inherited tenant's lease. Soon after, several people in the neighborhood have made it their business to move in. For a week or so, my tenants w...
How do you fund your deals for buying and holding? What is the best way to find private lenders, and do private lenders generally to long term loans?
My wife and I are moving back to our hometown and purchased a house. I need advice on what to do with current house. Should i sell or rent? We have lived in it for over 2 years. I owe 146k on mtg and pay 1094 a month ...
Well i am 26 years old, educated, job paying around 70k a year, currently rent, paid all schooling off, absolutely no debt, just started a Vanguard Roth IRA, and have quite a bit saved up in saving acc...
Hey everyone, just wanted to get some advice about a situation we find ourselves in. Here's the story. My wife and I just bought a house last December in a small HOA community (around 50 homes, $60/mo dues) The hou...
I just bought a rental property with an existing renter from a very sloppy landlord. He had no documentation of the month-to-month lease that the tenants were covered under and he supposedly gave them a 90-day notice ...
I am currently in college and I know that I want to get into rental property investing. But right now is not the right time to get started. What are some strategies and things I could be doing now to help get prepared...
I was recently contacted by the owner of the duplex across the street from mine, he's sick of it and wants to sell it to me owner contract. The asking price is about 15k under market and the terms are 10% down payment...