I've noticed a steady increase in the frequency of unsolicited mailers I receive offering my buy my house ("why worry about repairs, we'll buy you house as is, all cash, quick close" etc., etc.). I take this as a sign...
What would you do if you were 19 again? How would you invest?Where would you start?
Hello, everyone! I have been reading like a mad man, and I feel like I have a pretty solid understanding of financing, renting, selling, controlling the properties you buy and a variety of other techniques and investm...
I'd like to compile a resource of strategies on self-managing STR's to maximize profits. I'm doing a lot of research currently but it's all over the place and as expected, very regional. So more than looking for any s...
Hey everyone, I recognize this is my first post, however I have been a lurker and avid blog reader here on BP for a couple years now. With that being said- I recognize that I am not asking or begging for anything. Thi...
I've had a roth IRA and a mutual fund thru Northwestern mutual for just under 2 years. I'm 23, I wanted to get started early so I can buy a business with the money some day. I don't trust the guy that is in charge of ...
Terms in CRE lending that everyone should know...Adjustable Rate Mortgage: Mortgage where the interest rate adjusts periodically up or down through a set index. Also called a floating rate mortgage.Adjusted Gross Inco...
I want to bounce my situation off of any of you in the BP community that are willing to read it and give an opinion. I became interested in REI two years ago this month, when I found BP and read Rich Dad. Over the fir...