When seeking to obtain financing from a private money lender and putting together a pitch to present to a potential private lender, what documents should you provide and what points should you bring up to the potentia...
Is an increase in cash flow worth taking on more leverage?Was just running some rough projections on a 4 unit apartment we’re looking to purchase. At first glance both look the same. Until you factor in the down p...
Hi, I am currently looking for single family homes for approx $100k-150K. I make offers using a realtor and then they send me everything to sign and submit my offers to sellers. And these offers if accepted become leg...
Currently my rent is about $1500 a month for my apartment. I am looking to buy a Multi, and I am trying to understand fundamental concepts and definitions. If I move into the first floor, renting out the second with t...
I am getting into wholesaling and the first response from my direct mail was the property I am about to show you. It looks like a tear down but I am wondering if the lot value and shed would would be worth making an o...
Can anyone share how long it took to close? Any experience worth sharing?
Are properties like this too far gone to consider viable for flipping. I know of several areas across my state that are growing rapidly on the residential side and little houses like this are now surrounded by large ...
Hello BP Community, I'd love to hear from all successful wholesalers in the boroughs of NYC, Brooklyn if possible. How is the market for you? After you find a home to wholesale, do you find it pretty "easy" to get the...
So I don't know why this didn't occur to me until today but I had an epiphany. My neighbors have spleen saying they want to sell their house for over a year now. The other day we were talking again and he told me how...
So hate to come on hear and ask but trying to wrap my head around short sales and the technical jargon isn't making it easy. I've heard about short selling stocks but not sure how it works on real estate. Thought it m...