Results (1560)
Santos Ricardo Tellez
Coronavirus Impact on Housing Market?
22 March 2020 | 69 replies
Hello BIggerPockets,
I started this discussion to get some thoughts and opinions on how the Coronavirus might affect the housing market. Mainstream media has been reporting about it nonstop for the last few days, sta...
Uneeq Khan
Battling HOA On Leaking Roof For 1 Year
20 February 2020 | 65 replies
Wasn't sure which forum this topic should be on or if this even fitting topic for these forums but hopefully someone can help me. I've been battling with my HOA for over a year now about leaks from my roof (April of l...
Is Now the Time to Buy as The Housing Market Starts to Dip?
9 October, 2022
James Wise
Why do people Buy Property in California
22 January 2025 | 203 replies
Do people still buy property in California for any reason other than the weather? Seems like everything else about California sucks. High taxes. Soft on crime. People just stealing whatever and whenever they want. Hom...
Can the Fed Dodge a Recession in 2023?
8 January, 2023
Wall Street: Huge Threat or Harmless Hedge Funds?
1 September, 2022