Can you purchase homes going through the probate process using the subject to strategy?
5" of snow expected Monday in Pigeon Forge and more later in the week.I know many people on here have vacation rentals in this area.I'm half tempted to throw my generator and some groceries in the truck and go up to s...
We launched our company Twitter page about 2 months ago. We have been pleasantly surprised with our response on our page and some great things that have come from our Twitter alone.
As a Real Est...
As you know, we're always working hard to improve how you interact with and use BiggerPockets, to improve the way you network, learn, do business, and make deals in real estate.
In an effort to make it even easier to...
I am a 17 year old aspiring to strive in real estate in the Cleveland Ohio area. I plan on wholesaling in the beginning of my career, I feel as though the podcasts that I listen to leave out a lot of the intricacies b...
As the days get shorter and the weather gets steadily colder, homeowners across the country will see their power bills increase dramatically. Heating and lighting your real estate investment through the late fall and ...
I own solar photovoltaic on my primary right now, which I plan on converting into a rental in a month or two. It is a great system and has reduced my power bill to practically nothing all year long.
When I rent th...
We have a current remodel underway for a property we'd acquired on south side of Chicago (suburb). Long story short, received an electrical bill for $232 for month of July. (acquired in June, and bill was $40). Contra...
The market I which I live is very high on all inclusive rent. Does anyone have ideas on how to navigate through this unfavorable market condition?