What are the pros and cons of acquiring shopping centers? and how is it riskier or safer than investing in apartment buildings?
Do you think it's worth the time to just purchase a carpet steam cleaner instead of renting one? Recommend any good models?
When looking to bring on a routine cleaning services to manage the maintenance of a property, what should that vetting process look like? I just started a side cleaning service (which has the manpower to cover larger ...
Just getting started and trying to compile a list of must have apps/ software. We will be doing an LLC, what are the must haves to set your buisness for success?Not for a specific branch of rental we eventually will b...
For those of you operating in Sevier County, a few days ago, the Sevier County Board of Commissioners passed a new updated solid waste plan. First of all the problem as I understand it - some convenience centers are ...
My husband and I cleaned the carpets in one of the houses day before yesterday. We couldn't leave the windows open to help air it out due to thunderstorms here. Hubby goes over this afternoon and said the smell hit hi...
Newly acquired property.I knew this renovation was going to be a doozy. Although, I didn't know it was this bad. When I went to clean the place after the previous tenant moved out, I learned real quick how bad it was....
Hello everyone,
I've been looking for websites that have properties not listed on the MLS. Craiglist has worked pretty well for finding real estate deals. Sites like for sale by owner list properties on the MLS and f...
Ugh - not the morning I was hoping for! A guest sent a note last night (after I went to bed) that the toilet was not clean. I was very responsive to her this morning (at 5am her time) and sent $75 through the platfor...
I just got through an eviction for unit 2 of my 4 unit building. I went to check it out today and I don't have a clue where to start. There is still miscellaneous things in there, the carpets are filthy, the walls ...