The Real Estate License Act (RELA) of 2000 is about to sunset. Check out the changes they are making to the RELA regarding wholesaling. How do you think this will affect things?
Excerpt is taken from the article pos...
There is so much misinformation on this site it is crazy.Here are the facts; For total profits, cash flow plus equity since 2009 the top 3 locations are San Francisco, San Jose and LA.Since 2000, that is LA, SF and Sa...
I stumbled across the American Homeowner Preservation (AHP) Fund ad on a podcast. Upon going to their website and researching further, it appears it's a hedge fund that buys discounted mortgages and supposedly tries ...
I purchased 1 and UC for 2 properties this month two of which I'm keeping as Long term rental. The first 699 E Gold Dust, San Tan Valley AZ comps around 375K and I purchased for 393K so I'm lost about 18K equity by p...