If you are an individual you can owner finance one deal per year, If you are married your wife can likewise owner finance one deal per year. If you are a trust you can do one deal per year. If you are an LLC or some o...
My company has been inundated with frivolous lawsuits and governmental complaints. We own a property management company and really try to do good things. We work with the VA homeless veterans program, mental heal...
I live near St Louis,MO and see so many big old homes for sale in the $20,000 to 40,000 range. What advise would you give to a newbie looking to get started? The zip code I am referring to is 63115. I am looking fo...
Hi, all. I'm a new investor and want to begin lending hard money. I'm really considering rolling over my IRA into a Self Directed IRA in order to work with a trusted partner who wants to build and flip homes in the ar...
So a friend texts me yesterday. We went to college together at the University of Cincinnati College Conservatory of Music (CCM). He is still doing that gig, and owns a few units...He texted me the following data he'd ...
The rental industry remains one of the least disrupted multi-billion $$$ industries in the US... Other than software to make marketing, property management, researching properties, finding owner contact info and accou...
I’d like to share my strategies here to help others make money and turn the worst war zone, vacant areas into safe spots for families to live.
I’m by no means the only one doing it. It’s just hard to find people t...
First of all, I believe Lonnie Scruggs, was a great man who, while he did charge for his knowledge, made a whole lot of people a whole lot of money. I would never try to take that away from him.
Second, throu...
If this has been posted before, my apologies. I found this link on another forum and wanted you all to see it. This is a glaring example of why I do not accept Section 8 vouchers. What a sad video. I wish the guy a...
I am in the process of screening a potential tenant, he told me he had a felony from 15 years, he offered to explain but I didn't wanna push unless necessary. After doing a background check on him I found out he is re...