I am reading a book on hyperinflation and depression right now. This seems to be a popular target with all of the mess going on so I figured I would try to educate myself some more. The author is a renowned REI auth...
Does anyone have an opinion on the commercial real estate crisis and which areas of commercial it will have the most significant impact on?
Personally, I do not expect apartment buildings to be hit as badly as office...
It seems to me that despite the near-constant protests to the contrary from certain people in the dark recesses of the internet, the tendency of large countries with powerful militaries is that they do not collapse.
As I was poking around at the relationships between jobs and potential predictors of job losses, I started looking at a mathematical representation of something less quantitative, that we are all familiar with. This s...
My wife is a Romanian immigrant, and her brother (still in the old country) did well in Real Estate investing in Romania before the market crash in 2008. As bad as the crash was here, it was worse there. He's been t...
The inflation alarm bells are on high alert, and investors are jittery.Inflation is unavoidable at this moment, with economists forecasting inflation for 2021. Last week Billionaire' bond king' Jeffrey Gundlach warned...
http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/3173f19e-5fbc-11e4-8c27-00144feabdc0.htmlA perennial optimist when it comes to technology, he argues that all that will change. Rapid improvements in artificial intelligence, for instanc...