Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
I need a radio show. I'm getting too good at this.
The day before yesterday I was attacked for making the assertion that the many of the roots of modern liberalism (in both parties - liberalism is not just about Dem...
Okay so I have a buyer's agent who I work with to view investment properties and to evaluate deals however he lives about 50 miles away and can only get to me to see properties once a week. So I met another agent at ...
I recently heard a remarkable story of a wholesaler claiming they picked up a house for 32,000 and then turned around and flipped it to a contractor for 54,000 within a span of 10 days.
The story is true; which leads...
The real estate market is often the subject of speculation and forecasts, some predicting downturns or even crashes. However, based on my extensive experience and observation in the field, I believe there are strong r...