Receiving a cash out loan on an investment property can be a very confusing item. This post is designed to bring some clarity to taking cash out of a property with a conventional loan and help you navigate the someti...
I've seen it on both sides so lets settle this here and now.*Slides weapons across the floor* One side says if you offer them options of what you're planning on doing that keeps you in the clear. Something like "Buy...
We should start a BOA sucks thread!This was posted in another thread, therefore, here we are.
Please share your B of A nightmares here and all you are dissatisfied about with this company.
Name something you've learned from someone on BiggerPockets (podcast, forums, blog, whatever) and tag the person from whom you learned it. Name as many people as you want, but please limit your posts to one-person-per...
Hello, I am a newbie landlord and is wondering how to verify income for self-employed people? Tax return? Please advise!
Current Newsweek article lists The United States as # 11 in countries worldwide. Really cool website with different categori...
I took the 18 page report released by Trump's committee yesterday and summarized it below.
I hope we can all see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s not going to be as easy as turning the light switch ba...
I understand that these type of deals are hard to come by, but happens when you come across not one but two great deals one being a business and the other being a complex which is the main stay of what we do especiall...
The sales person I have been working with to send me deals recently left the Morris invest company and he has switched over to a company called limitless turnkey. I’ve already heard bad things from Morris reason why I...
My goal is to buy 1 rental property this year. Tell me about your first purchase!
Where was it?
How did it go?
Do you still have it?
1 thing youwish you knew?