Do you have a college degree? If so, in what field?
Has that helped you in your real estate investing? Or do you think you could have done with out it?
I am a firm believer that our path in life has lead us where we...
Hi Friends! I sure could use a piece of smart advice right now. I have a rather nuanced problem. Our home is a two-family, and we have a beautiful one-bedroom apartment at the side, where we have rented to a timely pa...
My wife and I own a restaurant and we lease the building. Our landlord just inherited the building from his dad that just recently passed away and he really doesn't want to be a landlord. We are in a very small rura...
I currently utilize a self-directed IRA. My IRA monies have been invested in a real estate project. I'm coming out of that investment soon and I now want to use those IRA monies for buying at trustee sales. This "Chec...
I have to admit - I'm borrowing this from another forum, but I wanted some feedback from our members.
What is the most inspiring book you've read?? (real estate or otherwise).
Our team in Indiana has hired a lobbyist to represent the interests of housing providers and investors. One of our first objectives is to replace the word "landlord" with "housing provider" in ALL pieces of legislati...
Thank you for opening my post.I was haphazardly dumping cash in San Diego rental properties since 2006.I don't call it investing, because I had no idea what I was doing. Fortunately, I got in on the upswing of 2012 -2...
Hi everyone!Some quick background info on me. I've been involved with REI since I was a child through my dad. He's a very successful real estate developer here in California and over the past 20 years, he's developed ...
In the world of business and entrepreneurship, we've all heard it.....don't listen to those gurus. Beware of the guru. That guru is a crook! My question is: how do you spot a real estate guru? I'm not sure what quali...
I'm looking to start a truly self-directed Solo Roth 401k. Does anyone know of any reputable companies without outrageous fees?