Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Howdy! This might not be the proper location for my question but the people I look up to most tread this section. I recently read in Malcolm Gladwell's book "The Tipping Point" (pg72) that "what separates a great sal...
I'm reading Think and Grow Rich right now, and the six steps to change your mindset are very specific of the goal you write that you are supposed to repeat aloud twice a day. The problem is it revolves around money, a...
Hi BP family, would anyone have recommendations on the best way to find offmarket syndication opportunities with GPs/operators that have great track records? I'm avoiding deals provided through platforms like FundRise...
Hey everyone,Im curious if anyone has really long distance investing (international)? My wife and I are starting to delve into the rental market in Italy and we were looking to see if anyone else has experience invest...
Argg!! Hate living in Section 8 low income housing, so many problems, but since I'm poor, Guess I have to suck up to it.
Since last week, I have a problem with my neighbor (who are also a tenant on section 8 housing ...
If you were to restart your life at 17 already knowing you want to get into real estate investing, would you go to college with a full-ride or would you get started investing without wasting any time, and why?
Hey all.
Writing about the john reed article that was posted on here a bit ago, talking about how most investor's deals they say are good are actually not at all, because according to him, every property over time av...
Real Estate is so freaking boring… and yet that’s all we talk about. Why – is it because this is all we are interested in?How about the meaning of life – would you engage in a conversation about the meaning of life? H...