Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
I have been inquiring about this new method of real estate investing. Is there anyone here on BP who's familiar with doing Mortgage Assignment Contracts? If so what are the pros and cons? I want to start doing this be...
Hello there, I am new to the Bigger Pockets Community and real estate investing in general but I am eager to learn! One of the first things I am curious about is how important is finishing a college degree in order to...
i had a thread on this a few months ago, but it's official now. the Intuit is shutting down and everyone has to move to their new system - merchant payment service.http://support.quickbooks.intuit.com/support/artic......
In talking to people and reading various posts online, I see a lot of confusion and varying opinions on ROI vs. ROE vs. IRR vs. Cash on Cash. For example, some people think that in the first year when you purchase t...
Anyone have any hands on experience as guests/clients or your own vacation rental investments?I'm anxious to hear from folks who've had personal hands on experience with both. We will be expanding our vacation propert...
Most of the discussion on this forum seems to cater to the DIYers. I haven’t seen much discussion on routes for passive investors to make similar or comparable CoC, cash flow, and equity as regular active investors. I...