I wholesaled a property and charged an assignment fee of $5800.I took back a note and my buyer is paying me $300/mo a month until the note is paid off.My bookkeeper is having a very hard time how to record this in Qui...
I'm about to make an offer on a house with cash and I hope to refi the cash out immediately after renovation. I learned that you can get a conventional loan called "Delayed Financing" loan. However, this loan can onl...
Double closings using the Dovetail Method. Can anyone explain why this is good or bad. How does it work? Thanx, Herbster
Can anyone give advice on flyers. I am trying out wholeselling and trying to place these out in my target area. I would like to start getting some calls. Thanks for the help
This property is in the north end of Wisconsin. I used to live in this duplex and I moved out to convert it to 100% rental and refinanced. Other topics I have researched about changing the basis include "you don't tra...
Hi,I have accumulated several single family houses in Indianapolis and was thinking about refinance and move them from my name to LLC. Assuming I was about the do a cash-out refinance using a portfolio loan, the fund ...
Real estate investors often find themselves traveling to and from rental properties, banks, hardware stores, and meetings with various professionals. If you've set up a home office, your business-related travels are t...
hi guys,Does anyone do this? How do I go about setting this up? Is it a good method this is my first rental property
I see lots of discussion and help around getting started but I'm curious to know about everyone's end game plans. I keep reading about getting started by using the BRRRRRRRR (how many R's?? hee hee) Method but for ...
If you had to describe one negotiation tactic that has been the most beneficial for you, what would that one thing be?