Need a name for my LLC. Going into partnership with someone and wanted J & J Homes LLC but it is taken. Can't think of anything else. Any ideas?
The LLC has a commercial Registered Agent and when I look that agent company up it has another commercial Registered Agent with a similar name. How do I find out who owns the LLC?
What are thoughts on the impact of this New York Judge's ruling last week? MERS lacks right to act as an agent of the mortgage company. I'm surprised how little coverage this is getting.
"Merscorp Inc., operator of ...
I’m just starting out here. The next step for me is to set up the LLC. I got bids from a few lawyers and was surprised at the cost ($700 flat fee plus registration fees, etc). I see Legal Zoom has options to form an L...
Does anyone know in which states is it illegal to "broker notes" without a license?
I am new here and new to investing in real estate. I am interested in New Orleans for short term rentals but am out of state - we live in California - Curious if anyone has any insight into this market. Looking t...
Hi everyone, just curious if anyone has heard of or done any business with David Shell, of Secured Lending Solutions? The website looks legit, there's a picture of him and his wife Shelley Shell. I'm using the phone n...
What are the worries and concerns I should have regarding private lenders? Should I be leary of crooked lenders with my personal information? So many lenders are reaching out to me about my post, how do I know they ar...
So I have a question for the collective minds at BP forum. It seems there are a lot of RE finance companies right now. Is there a license required or a charter needed to sell these products or can just anyone do it? I...
Hi, I found an international Private money lender. I am in France and he is in US. I need a medium therm loan and he wants me to pay 3% first. How do i know if he is a scammer or not? Where I am supposed to ask that?...