Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
I have a pretty good tenant (rent on time, some picky repairs). When she moved in 2.5yrs ago the stack washer dryer was brand new. She has broken off the washer door. It can't be repaired. I believe that is due to...
Hi guys. Been a while.I have a question for you all.First off, I am in CT.Now, my questions revolves around a tenant breaking a lease, damages, repairs, and liability.I had a tenant break their lease. 2 weeks early. (...
I am hell bent on having granite bench tops. It's really expensive to buy new but I'm finding a lot of people selling it on craigslist.My kitchen is fairly small and people are selling large granite pieces as they are...
So the neighbor has a basketball hoop set out in the back of his parking pad thats pretty annoying. It's almost like he set it out there for all the kids to play on it cause every single day like 5-10 kids will come o...
First of all I can't say thank you enough for this message board. I've been a landlord/investor for 3 years winging it more or less (usually less) on my own.
Here are a few questions regarding my situation t...
Hello everyone!Im posting this unique deal. It is unique in the sense that it is a very specific niche market. Catering to commuting airline crews, opening a crash pad here in Milwaukee, WI is sure to attract pilots a...
If you all read my previous post you know I just acquired a 4 unit building in rural North Carolina. We discussed plans to raise the rent, allocate utilities to the tenants, pet fees, etc...Well I just met with all of...
I have some duplex units with no laundry and thinking of putting in coin operated machines. Assuming in a duplex 4 adults and 2 kids what kind of monthly income should I expect?
What happened to the basic understanding of supply and demand? I didn’t grow up in a financially savvy household, but even as a kid I remember having a distinct awareness and understanding of supply and demand and it...