Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
I have been involved with flipping properties since early 2000s. First subbing out as a carpenter for several local investors and builders. When the market dropped out in 2008. Everyone I knew including myself we...
A couple disclaimers before I start:If you look through my profile and previous posts, you'll see that I am young (just turned 22), and also may believe I don't have the right mindset or maturity yet to start REI. Thi...
Sorry if this is the wrong place to question this, but why should any buyer or seller use a realtor? I have been having this argument over the last 2 years because in my opinion (base on real facts) Realtors are the t...
Hey all, I am on bigger pockets simply because I want to help beginners make that leap like I had to all on my own before I knew about bigger pockets. A quick blurb on my experience : I am a serial House Hacker I am ...
I am not sure there is really a good thread here in BP which address this question. I know there are many blogs but those do not provide expanded conversations around the idea, IMO. If you are a seasoned, new or pot...