Listening to people beat up on the young folks for having their student loans paid off. Look at this people born between 81 and 96 are getting poorer while the rest of us are getting richer. What this is really sayi...
Hi BP folks,
I live in Los Angeles and have been putting offers in for fourplexes but prop 10 has me wondering if I SHOULD by as big as I planned. For those who don’t know, prop 10 would limit landlords ability to ra...
I saw a TV show talking about the average sales price in the Bay area at 936k along with some tear downs in Freemont selling for 1.1 to 1.3 it was crazy even for someone like me who bought their first home in the la...
Hi, my name is Michael and I'm new here. :)A little background.I am what I call an accidental investor. Basically, I bought a condo in San Mateo but I had to move out of the area for work during the housing crash. I c...
Where are all these wholesalers with all these deals? I've been contacted by several wholesalers, but when I ask for deals, crickets chirp. Sounds like big talk, no action.
Hey Guys,So I am going to be starting my first even direct mail. I decided to take some big steps so I created my own yellow letter (was not easy) in order to save some cashola at least until the first deal hits my de...