Title: Navigating Mobile, AL: A Primer on the Commercial Real Estate MarketWelcome to the heart of the Gulf Coast! Mobile, Alabama, is not only a cultural hub but also a burgeoning center for commercial real estate in...
Just thought I would share this great article.https://huntsvillebusinessjour...
Multifamily Boomtown: Huntsville, AlabamaApril 21, 2023/in Community Development, Economy, Employment, Engineering, Featured, Housing,...
This is some research I did a while back about the ‘Burgh. I have learned many new things about the market – most of which is very good! Pittsburgh ranks #5 on Marcus & Millichap’s list of high-yield multifamily m...
Is a mix use land development project a positive influence on surrounding property values?
If you are a real estate developer who would be interested in developing a property for commercial uses what are things that you would be looking for? Someone in my office just listed a few acres and I am determined t...
Specifically, I'm thinking about Plain City, Dublin, Powell, Westerville, New Albany, Powell, Lewis Center, Delaware and Sunbury.Are they in the path of progress? What kind of cap rates can be expected when analyzing?...
It’s May, and it's time for another Las Vegas update. For a comprehensive view of the Las Vegas investment market, message me for my blog link. It contains more detailed information on investing insights, analytics, a...
Hello All - I'm looking to invest in the Florida market but I'm having a hard time choosing the specific city. Does anyone have any suggestions?
(ruled out Miami already) Thank you
https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/gilbert/2018/06/04/four-story-city-gate-apartment-complex-draws-ire-gilbert-residents/642135002/“Gilbert, often central to feverish development in metro Phoenix, is in the mi...
Hello BP! I am just starting to get in the game and I would appreciate any advice.I live in San Gabriel, CA and I'm looking for my first multifamily property to invest in. I have been looking in LA and SGV but not rea...