Should an investor own there home or rent it ? I’m hearing a lot about renting your home and not owning it , it’s good to just own investments that make you money !
Many investors quote Rich Dad to support their contention that a HOME is not an investment.Often this is done as an argument to invest capital in their commerical real estate deal instead of buying a home. Let me also... is the truth !! capitalism at work supply demand at work.. Bubble NOT..
When times are hard and you need money IMMEDIATELY like right at that very moment and you have no where and no one else to turn to get that money, where do you get money to get you out of a bad situation? Wholesali...
Perhaps I have an inner socialist I’m not aware of, but I have to ask the community, when is enough enough as it pertains to number of units owned?How often they ask on the podcasts “where are you going from here?” An...
Californians aren’t leaving the state en masse — but they are leaving San Francisco, study says
The increasing number of crowdfunding platforms makes it a bit of a challenge to decide which ones to look at seriously, and which to avoid. As an accredited investor seeking to diversify my portfolio, Fundraise &...
Response to Proposed Regulatory Prudential Standards for Non-Bank Mortgage Servicers Response prepared by Rishel Consulting Group – a consultancy for chattel lendersRishel Consulting Group is a nationwide consultancy ...
I was reading BP Brandons latest turnkey blog post and there were just a couple comments. I know there are some bpers into turnkeys but when you check they only have 2 or 3 turnkeys tops...even with the bp folks who a...