Most personal finance pundits will tell you that if a purchase does not produce income and depreciates, it's bad debt. They'll also tell you that you should avoid bad debt wherever possible, buying things like cars up...
Hello folks, I need your valuable expertise in this one.My first flip hit the market last Nov and it's kind of stock. I need advice on strategies to move it quicker, if possible. Below are some details.Area: Kissimmee...
Welcome to our "Question of the Week"! We have all likely looked at, or even bought a fair amount of real estate in your career. Despite all that, we all have that property type that would be our dream. Do you own it?...
Hello All
I’ve been creeping on the forums as most of us have for a few years. I’ve actually used the forums here as a legitimate source of information as so many people do the groundwork for you in regard to interpr...